Bump. This is ridiculous. We pay the same amount of money but get less content? You're not getting my money for the season pass. Not until your shitty exclusivity deal is done, and by then, Destiny will already be dead, drowned out by Halo: MCC, Far Cry 4, Evolve, CoD Advanced Warfare, GTA V Remastered, and Battlefield Hardline. Way to screw over half your fanbase. F**k you, bungie ,,/,, -_- ,,\,,
Good thing you paid attention to all the advertising that said it was a 1 year exclusive before buying the game.
I did, and I understand it. Sony may have payed extra, but the players certainly didn't. Xbox players get less content for the same price. Also, I don't plan on just buying Destiny. IMO, Xbox has better exclusives.
No, you don't get less content for the same price. You get all the same content after the timed exclusive ends, as you were told when you purchased the game. You chose to buy it anyway, knowing you'd not get it for a year. The purpose of timed exclusives is to bait people into switching platforms. You opted to remain a loyal Xbox customer, and as such, will not see that content until next year. You were told what you were getting at the time and you opted to buy it. By doing so, you agreed to that arrangement. Don't like it? Return it. Want it sooner? Buy a PS.