I feel sorry for Cryptarch Rahool...
When I started as a wee guardian, I met him and he introduced himself, saying he decrypts engrams and I said, "so you are the lucky dip vendor". He was not amused at the remark but agreed to the observation.
After that I didn't visit him much, and he felt I was avoiding him. I waved to him, but he would mutter some ramblings under his breath. He was obviously very peeved at me, so I tried dancing but that didn't cheer him up.
When I was exchanging some house banners to him for some glim-glam, he asked me why I didn't buy nor bring him any engrams. I told him, "those greeny engrammies level with me, so I'm vaulting them until I start getting blues. Then I'll bring them to you. Oh, and I out grew whites a long time ago, so don't need to buy them. Sorry."
When I hit level 10ish and got my first blue, I took him all of my greens, and he had a party. He was so happy for the business he increased my rep and allowed me to purchase green engrams. After every decryption he was marveled at the treasures I earned, but too his immediate horror I dismantled most of the gear. He asked me, "What!? You destroyed that marvelous piece of history!" and I said "Well I kept the best, but the rest are pretty crappy so I'm salvaging the materials." He scowled. "Don't worry, I'll be back with some blues when my vault gets full again."
This relationship continued until I got to level 20. Then everything changed...
Rahool noticed that I would bring him blue armor engrams in bulk, but that I would constantly bring him weapon engrams. He asked why, and I said. "Well, in two parallel universes, I am a awoken hunter and a human titan, while in this one I'm a exo devil warlock, and that vault in front of you is actually a trans-universal bank, so me and my other me(s) have this pact where we vault all of our Armour engrams and then decide who gets to decrypt what (helmet, gauntlets, boots, and jumpsuit) so we get the best upgrades possible, and each of use gets good supply of salvage. With weapons, since all of use can use those things, we just take them directly to you, and if they are good we vault them, if not we dismantle for materials which we then vault. That way, all of my me(s), uh, we(s) you could say, use the same weapons, and can use the surplus parts to level them up." I could see this concept of parallel universes deeply disturbed Rahool and he would mumble to himself a lot after that.
After a time, he started to notice that soon I would dismantle ALL of my blue armor engrams in bulk. He asked why the sudden change. I said. "Well, I finally got access to the vanguard legendary Armour, so now all my many me(s) have come to the agreement that when ever the vault gets full the character that has the lowest class materials gets to decrypt the cache. Today it was my turn, so you crack 'em then I crack em'."
Then one day, I brought him a purple armor engram. He looked at me with awe, and decrypted it and it turned into ascendant energy. I brought him another one two weeks latter and it turned to a blue item. I asked "What's the problem man?" He said, "Well I observed that you dismantle your rewards so I thought I'd just cut out the middle man." I could see he was really upset, angry, and depressed. He was shortly admitted to therapy and given an anti-depressive patch. He is now more hopeful about purples engrams, but he is still depressed when I scrap most of the gear because it is inferior to the stuff the vendors offer for marks."
Two weeks latter I got a legendary WEAPON engram. My excitement was palpable, Rahool was in awe and he produced a Zombie apocalypse with good mods for once. He was so happy that he sent me two blue engrams in the mail, both of which he decrypted and I immediately salvaged and he became depressed again.
So we finally had a serious talk about his business practices. I asked "Why are you selling white and green engrams when no high level characters are buying them?" He put his hands in his palms and lamented, "I'm not a guardian! I can't find anything better than a white or green! I'm lucky that Xur thing finds those yellow engrams, but other than that they are all that I come across."
Additionally, I asked him, "So what do you do with all those curios that you buy?" He said he had a hoarding problem, and then everything made sense.
So I suggested to him that he explore options of obtaining blue and purple engrams for sale that he could offer high level guardians. To inspire him, I said the future is uncertain, and we are still unsure about our destinies, but if anyone knows the what the future holds you will know it first, since your a smart dude doing all of that decryption detail."
He seemed to relax by that comment, and said a wry thanks.
"Oh don't mention it", I said, before leaving. "Now to go have a talk to banshee, then Roni, then Eva, then..." (sound fades as I walk away)
Never knew what I was doin' to that guy by dismantling all that history in front of him. I'll walk out of his eyeline beforehand from now on. It's the right thing to do.
That was quite entertaining ... great work and great read. Thanks !
Haha!! :'D That was a quality read! (Even tho I know your not the original poster of this comment) Nonetheless, that was far more interesting that any dialogue or story in destiny.
Ya I know I just want to share an awesome story
Better story than destiny.
[quote]I feel sorry for Cryptarch Rahool... When I started as a wee guardian, I met him and he introduced himself, saying he decrypts engrams and I said, "so you are the lucky dip vendor". He was not amused at the remark but agreed to the observation. After that I didn't visit him much, and he felt I was avoiding him. I waved to him, but he would mutter some ramblings under his breath. He was obviously very peeved at me, so I tried dancing but that didn't cheer him up. When I was exchanging some house banners to him for some glim-glam, he asked me why I didn't buy nor bring him any engrams. I told him, "those greeny engrammies level with me, so I'm vaulting them until I start getting blues. Then I'll bring them to you. Oh, and I out grew whites a long time ago, so don't need to buy them. Sorry." When I hit level 10ish and got my first blue, I took him all of my greens, and he had a party. He was so happy for the business he increased my rep and allowed me to purchase green engrams. After every decryption he was marveled at the treasures I earned, but too his immediate horror I dismantled most of the gear. He asked me, "What!? You destroyed that marvelous piece of history!" and I said "Well I kept the best, but the rest are pretty crappy so I'm salvaging the materials." He scowled. "Don't worry, I'll be back with some blues when my vault gets full again." This relationship continued until I got to level 20. Then everything changed... Rahool noticed that I would bring him blue armor engrams in bulk, but that I would constantly bring him weapon engrams. He asked why, and I said. "Well, in two parallel universes, I am a awoken hunter and a human titan, while in this one I'm a exo devil warlock, and that vault in front of you is actually a trans-universal bank, so me and my other me(s) have this pact where we vault all of our Armour engrams and then decide who gets to decrypt what (helmet, gauntlets, boots, and jumpsuit) so we get the best upgrades possible, and each of use gets good supply of salvage. With weapons, since all of use can use those things, we just take them directly to you, and if they are good we vault them, if not we dismantle for materials which we then vault. That way, all of my me(s), uh, we(s) you could say, use the same weapons, and can use the surplus parts to level them up." I could see this concept of parallel universes deeply disturbed Rahool and he would mumble to himself a lot after that. After a time, he started to notice that soon I would dismantle ALL of my blue armor engrams in bulk. He asked why the sudden change. I said. "Well, I finally got access to the vanguard legendary Armour, so now all my many me(s) have come to the agreement that when ever the vault gets full the character that has the lowest class materials gets to decrypt the cache. Today it was my turn, so you crack 'em then I crack em'." Then one day, I brought him a purple armor engram. He looked at me with awe, and decrypted it and it turned into ascendant energy. I brought him another one two weeks latter and it turned to a blue item. I asked "What's the problem man?" He said, "Well I observed that you dismantle your rewards so I thought I'd just cut out the middle man." I could see he was really upset, angry, and depressed. He was shortly admitted to therapy and given an anti-depressive patch. He is now more hopeful about purples engrams, but he is still depressed when I scrap most of the gear because it is inferior to the stuff the vendors offer for marks." Two weeks latter I got a legendary WEAPON engram. My excitement was palpable, Rahool was in awe and he produced a Zombie apocalypse with good mods for once. He was so happy that he sent me two blue engrams in the mail, both of which he decrypted and I immediately salvaged and he became depressed again. So we finally had a serious talk about his business practices. I asked "Why are you selling white and green engrams when no high level characters are buying them?" He put his hands in his palms and lamented, "I'm not a guardian! I can't find anything better than a white or green! I'm lucky that Xur thing finds those yellow engrams, but other than that they are all that I come across." Additionally, I asked him, "So what do you do with all those curios that you buy?" He said he had a hoarding problem, and then everything made sense. So I suggested to him that he explore options of obtaining blue and purple engrams for sale that he could offer high level guardians. To inspire him, I said the future is uncertain, and we are still unsure about our destinies, but if anyone knows the what the future holds you will know it first, since your a smart dude doing all of that decryption detail." He seemed to relax by that comment, and said a wry thanks. "Oh don't mention it", I said, before leaving. "Now to go have a talk to banshee, then Roni, then Eva, then..." (sound fades as I walk away)[/quote]
Bump. Very good story
Just got off work, and this is the best thing I've read all night lol
Copied and pasted of another post Nice try
Just trying to share an awesome story
then give credit
And to think for 5 minutes you were the gem of my destiny app, you betray me with your "copy and paste" antics. I will cry salty tears for many moons to come.
I cry myself to sleep so often my eyes no longer exist.
False, the amount of tears shed down not inherently effect the existence of your eye lobes.
My whole iphone is in brail.... I'd prefer if you didn't make this a joke....
False, you can't print brail on a screen therefore your statement is invalid.
That's where your wrong sir. I just don't have time to explain why I can't explain.
False, lack of explanation has the explanation of there being no explanation at all, marking your statement invalid.
So then destiny and it's story is invalid?
Proceed with an attempt to explain this outcome you've obtain by no logical means.
"You've obtain"