Microsoft have been doing this for years on games such as Fifa, CoD and Battlefield, how is this any different?
Those held exclusive content for a month and this is a year... BS to wait that log
So? For PS players it was a month of NOTHING at all, at least XB players have the majority of the content for the time being. I don't agree with dlc exclusivity but this is just business as usual.
When you bought the content you got everything though, am i right? I am paying 20$ right now, and cannot even get the full dlc, where others on ps are paying that exact same 20$ and getting a full dlc Not right in my opinion, either make the entire dlc timed or make it all available to both consoles on release. But instead we get bits and pieces here and there.
Well you get the majority of the content, trust me you don't want make entire DLC timed, I've been there, not nice.
But again, my point. Its better to wait a month when people are still playing, than a year when the game is dying out
Have a little faith my fellow guardian, I'm not given up on the game just yet and I certainly don't wish the game to die out in a year's time. If you love the game, you'll wait. :)
I do love the game, its just by then other games will be out and destinyvwill be at the back of my mind... of coarse in another year after that destiny 2 will be out to revive it
Let's just say I've been playing Diablo 3 ever since it was release, and still do. I find Destiny gives me the same sense of satisfaction, I can see myself playing it for a long time. :)
Because Xbox players are paying full price for a dlc that doesn't have what Playstation gets
And who said those extra won't get unlocked with no extra cost when exclusivity expires?
But really you want to wait for something that will be out when u are busy playing other games
It's no different from how MS handled DLCs for games such as Fifa, CoD, BF and Skyrim? Don't get me wrong I don't agree with dlc exclusivity but this is pretty much business as usual.
Xbox got suff first. They didn't cut things out of the play station dlc.
Xbox one will get the extra content eventually, same thing.
By having to pay for it again. Even tho its included in the packs.
Who on earth said you have to pay for it again? It could very well be the case that when the time exclusivity expires it just unlocks as long as you purchased the original DLC.
See all other exclusive DLCs. They all come in neet little packs at $4.99 each.
Unless it says Destiny xxx strike $4.99 blah blah, you are just speculating based on how other games have done it. As far as I know, no other games did this type of exclusivity. If this is done the 'traditional' way, xbone players won't get anything at all until next year.
Yeah, like in a year... lol Glad I own a Playstation!