Someone's a little butt hurt... That's business. There are more ps4 players than Xbox one players so imo this is not going to change in the near future. If Microsoft can't catch up (which they're definitely trying to do with the 50$ price cut this holiday season) expect much more exclusive content/games for PS4 as there's more of us than you Xbox one owners; they will go where the attach rate can be higher.
Just sayin
Do you have any polls saying there are more Ps4 users than Xbox one users post Sept 15?
You can assume that PS4 sales being at least 40% greater(arstechina article) translates into a higher player base on that console. Maybe not 40% more but there are going to be more
Well considering playstation provides support worldwide, I think it's accurate to say there are more ps4 users, xbox is a great console is you live in the states, if not, you'll get limited content and will be unable to download and/or use that content even if you're paying for it