As frustrating as it is for xbox users not having any exclusive content found on Playstation (extra pvp map, extra strike, extra exotics) and also all the PS4 events like the the ninja bounty, it must be really frustrating for all the creative people at Bungie to have the execs get in the way of their creation.
Now it was announced today that Playstation will be getting another exclusive strike with the new dlc (and I can only assume same will go with the House of Wolves dlc) increasing the number of strikes to 9. This sucks because xbox owners who have spent the same amount of money on destiny and the season pass only get 7 and strikes are a key point in the replayability of Destiny. Bungie messed up because of the deal with Playstation they are hurting their customers on xbox which will result in player drop off and thus not being able to sustain the number of players desired for their 10 year plan. I really like this game and I am an xbox one owner who is starting to feel the fatigue. With all the great options for games, I doubt i will be able to make it 1 full year to get the content that shouldn't have been taken away in the first place.
PS4 exclusives only benefit Playstation (not Playstation owners) because its designed to get people who either don't have a system and are using this game as a justification to purchase a console or the people who have both to buy it for their system. Gamers lose because of all these deals (Xbox lost on Destiny but PS lost on Tomb Raider worse imo), Programmers/Artist/Writer lose because the things they worked hard on are purposely not distributed to everyone. Sony and Microsoft win because people are forced to choose.
I wish the console wars were more about developing new exclusive ips (Gears, Last of Us) and not cutting content (Tiger Woods releasing 19 dlc courses for $50 same day the game came out) or timed releases (cod). As a side note, retailer exclusives need to stop too.
I hope bungie is addressing this issue and coming up with ways to rectify the exclusivity mistake. A few suggestions I have are:
- xbox events (along with ps events)
- additional free weapons/ armor (diluting the benefits ps owners get)
- additional free add on strikes or variants (different enemy placement would do wonders)
- modified strike playlist (playlist should have special currency and maybe less weapon xp)
---- example: only green/purple ammo drops from enemies (rocket strike would be so fun)
---- example: weapon type buffs (scout riffle would be OP for the strike)
- more venders that accept vanguard marks (maybe some that accept a third currency that you get from my modified strike playlist suggestion)
- confirmation that after the contract is over ps and xbox will have the same content
Please feel free to add on to my list and hopefully bungie will fix this so that we don't see this as common business practices in the future.
Xbox had bungie exclusively for years. Playstation gets 3 small things and Xbox owners throw a fit. Hypocrites much?
You forgot Xbox had halo through
Bro, when this comes out for xbox, it will feel like a 3rd expansion for us.
This is why I own both. Get this game for PS4, and get Tomb Raider for XBO.
Hmm so more exclusives after the originally announced 2 expansions.. That's starting to dig a hole, no longer a release, but a choice to alienate a player base. If this is true, I probably won't buy any more dlc.
Where do you think the game would be without all the money Sony paid for exclusives (and going by the original contract Microsoft was going to get, but decided not to pay for exclusives). Bungie and Sony didn't screw you. Microsoft did. Games need funding, MS didn't want to pay, Sony did. Sony is a large reason the game had the funding it did.
Shut up Meg!
Bungie would be nothing without Xbox owners, and this is how they repay us. It's shameful.
There isn't actually another exclusive strike.
Yes yes your tears are yummy feed me more of those whining pathetic tears.
I honestly tired i dont enjoy this game as i used too
Both strikes on Piss4 are garbage anyway....
Beating a dead horse here...nothing to see, move along.
Its because playstation sold Twice as many systems. Lol get gud scrub
Edited by Nashtalia: 2/5/2015 7:52:15 PMbecause iLLo0Minarties! that's why
Omg why do people revive these dead conversations??
Non issue. Whiners gonna whine.
Ps lost on tomb raider worse? You are aware it's a times exclusive right?
It's cute that Playstation network finally thinks it's even relevant thanks to this one game. But yeah, thanks Bungie, you wanted to start a legacy of games/gamers? You did it. You'll go down in history as the game company that betrayed the people who allowed you to exist/be successful.
Shut up
Edited by TnT o0: 11/16/2014 10:24:07 PMOn the bright side xbox users get a free dlc drop in a year lol (if you want to think about it that way) and when that drops there might be a small spike in xbox users that ps, but who knows
While it really doesn't bother me too much about PS players getting extra stuff, I do think there is a huge difference between a console exclusive game versus console exclusive content and a lot of people never make this distinction. If you are going to make a game available for both systems and charge the same amount to both systems, then both systems should have equal access to the same content. People keep using Halo as an example. PS player didn't get to play it, but they also didn't have to pay for it either. The same doesn't apply in Destiny's case. Xbox players are paying for it, but not able to play/use it. Again, it doesn't really bother me that much, but it still seems a violation of basic principle.
My gun shot poop
I hope everyone knows that the dlc were "paying" for was supposed to be included in the original game, until lead writer and creator left
Waaaa waaaaa waaaaa STFU. If there's anything I hate more in this world it's racists :-|then it's Xbox gamers (pretty much the racists of the gaming world). Don't moan at PS gamers because YOUR worse off. You get exclusives that we don't get!!! E.g FIFA got legends for ultimate team, you get forza, halo and Titanfall (sick game btw) as well as all the other stuff like sunset overdrive!!! Don't moan!!! If you don't like the way bungie are being "FAIR" to psn users for once then go play one other of the games above!!! I dont really care if you don't like them! Instead because you fell the YOU are hard done by, you come to forums to bitch about things you don't like!! Fed up with gamers like you who aren't happy when it doesn't suit you!!!! Go play your silly console and after think about what a poor choice you made and cry yourself to sleep because your not happy with how your not getting the extra you THINK you deserve!!!?!??? Are you royalty???? NO!!!!! (If you are I'm awfully sorry your MA-JES-TY!!) "Drops mic and leaves stage"
It's business nothing is gonna change. Should have picked a better console.