Just curious thats all. I just started to get back into it after not playing for 8 months.
If there are any of you who play. Hit me up.
FC: 1822-0391-1256
I chose not to play X and Y... Or Black and White for that matter. Heart Gold... Now that's my shit.
I was done with pokemon after pearl and the silver/gold remakes...
I play Pokemon X. Or should I say played... I'm more of a TCG person right now.
Pokemon after gen 3 are shit.
Does Pokémon yellow work?
I only started playing a few weeks ago but then my DS broke. And I got my replacement last week but I have to start all over again. So honestly I'm a little... burnt out.
I play Pokémon y.
I don't play that one anymore. Didn't have enough after-game content. I'll be getting the new games though when they come out.