I've managed to make it to 30 running two Warlocks, and running the Normal Raid twice a week. That is a feat of pure luck in itself, and I know I'm lucky for it. I've only tried Hard Mode once, and it was when I was Level 28.....holy smokes, that was a painful experience.
Should I give it a go prior to the patch, just for fun. Or just hold my current course, and know that I obtained any possible future gear without any shortcuts.
I don't judge those who have pushed, it's not my place to tell anyone how to play the game they paid for. I am glad to have hit my goal though, and can't help but be a little jealous of all you who have a collection of Hard Mode gear that RNG may never place in my inventory.......
.... Thoughts, ideas, suggestions?
Ask your boyfriend
Currently a 60/40 split in favor of still not pushing....
If you're 30 now why not just run the hard raid ? Lol