Kid? Assumptions. Your warlock has what 4 abilities unlocked? Yea you are so great with all 3 classes, as you claim. You forget the fact that you have to enter super to shoot with takes a tick or two off of the times vengeance, sure if you have the helmet you might get one to two shots off but it doesn't change the fact you can get 8 ice breaker shots off at 19k a pop. If it takes your team more than two times vengeance to kill atheon, you're doing it wrong.
For a player with skills, all 3 classes can be utilized equally well in the raid. I didn't say I was great with all 3 classes. Reading comprehension is your friend. I know, it can be difficult to follow along sometimes. You said I had chosen the worst pve class, I informed you that I had not in fact chosen just one class. Try and keep up. I also stated that perhaps the issue is that you're not good with the hunter, which is supported by the fact that your hunter has entered 0 raid activities and cleared 0 raid activities. Do not speak of that which you do not know. Get a few raid clears on that hunter and then you can talk to me about it. Until then, I'm done with you, kiddo.
Or I can use the experience of those who have done the raid. At the end of the day hunters golden gun special doesn't out damage either galjhahorn or ice breaker, so by using the special YOU'RE making it harder because it is going to take longer to complete. Man, when will idiots understand that concept?