I agree with this. However, I don't feel that they should make you say "meh I'd rather use my vendor bought legendary." I love my Thorn - I just got it yesterday and it's fun as hell. However the thought is always in the back of my mind that I could be doing so much better with TDYK. Then again I'm a bad to mediocre PVP player.
Edit: also, after doing the void damage portion of the bounty, the though crossed my mind that maybe it should have void damage on it. I mean, I get that raid primaries have elemental properties and that makes them better - but it's not like a couple hard bounties in the game shouldn't nab a little extra PVE utility on your weapon.
Then use TDYK! An exotic is meant to have major ups and downs, not necessarily just kick ass non stop. All about whatever fits your style. I'm a range sneaky play most of the time, so thorn is wonderful. When I wanna rush like a CoD kid, it's all about suros. When I'm playing crazy, it's last word. Lol
TDYK is amazing... The perks on that thing make me choose it over Hawkmoon a lot of the time. Just don't let the secret out mate ;) Keep it between us in the know!
According to bungie exotics are meant to outperform legendary weapons. They're meant to be OP. That is the entire reason you can only equip i exotic weapon. They dropped the ball on thorn but not by much. I think it needs a reload buff its easily outperformed by most legendary hand canons.