So I'm wondering if I did something wrong or if this is how it is with everyone. This week I did the hard mode first of the raid. Completed up to the gatekeeper. (Which if anyone would like to continue on with him after 21:00MST that would be awesome!) After I had tried this for a few hours we couldn't get it. So the next day I checked my companion app to see where it had saved up to. It had 2 bars filled on both 1 and 2 raid chances. Then last night I went and did the raid on normal and only received loot from the gate keeper checkpoint and Atheon. Is that because we got the 5th chest? Or is it because it got saved funny? Has this happened to anyone else?
It's not like I was going to get the gloves that I needed any way but the shards would have been nice too ;)
Anyway thanks people for any input you might have.
And if you do want to do the VoG hard mode gatekeeper checkpoint at 2100 MST tonight then add me as a friend and I would be more then happy to get a group together.
Thanks again!