I'm getting the bee error so much I can't stand this game. I want to play it so bad but that is the only thing stopping me. I can't get through five minutes of a match without getting the bee error. Please fix this before I have to do the unthinkable and take it to gamestop. My Destiny is your hands now Bungie.
Well I managed to fix the bee error after not being able to complete a single crucible match. I'd usually get kicked within 3-4 mins of playing. I had set up the port forwarding but still had the game telling me my NAT was strict despite my console telling me it was open. I had never experienced any issues playing online with other games on pc, 360 and one. It was ruining the game for me so as a last resort I swapped out my BT Home Hub with my brothers Belkin router and the problem no longer occurs. I have no port forwarding configured on the Belkin. I've not had a single bee error since swapping this out. It's rubbish really as you shouldn't have to go to these lengths. I had no packet loss and zero issues with any other games. Looks like Destiny is stupidly sensitive to anything other than perfect network connectivity.