Those movies are just too -blam!-ing funny to be bad. The "epic" fight scene in Sharknado 2: The Second One (originality right there) where everyone was slashing garden tools at Great Whites on fire falling out of the sky had me laughing on the ground. How about in Sharknado where the guy jumped chainsaw first into the Great White and didn't saw that hot chick who got devoured earlier? Or where they're running through the parking lot and the guy is shooting flying sharks in the tornado from miles away with a pistol in an effort to protect the helicopter (physics don't apply when it comes to Sharknado). Sharknado 3 is coming next year, and I'M GOING TO -blam!-ING WATCH AND DIE IN LAUGHTER.
I swear the end credits theme song is just a bunch of people saying shark multiple times.