_____It would be nice to be able to go to Banshee and Roni and spend [b]Motes of Light[/b] to reroll random stats on your armor and weapons. It would make each piece of gear different between players, and make the game more unique.
_____This idea, would give players the choice to spend the [b]MoL[/b] with Xur for an Exotic engram, or go to Banshee to reforge armor or Roni to reforge weapons.
What do you guys think? Would it be cool to see in an update, or too Overpowered/Unbalanced?
Signed, a wishful Xbox One player,
-----Mr Barbecque
I'm up for this idea but there needs to be some serious costs otherwise it will be too easy for those who have been stacking currency. This could be an amazing addition as long as it is implemented with balance and fairness to all players in mind.