1. Horribly unrewarding. There is practically no incentive to win as it seems right now (and through extensive evidence) because all the lower tier people seem to get the best rewards and most rolls. What is the point and trying to be good if you get nothing for it.
2. Horrible weapon balance. I am just going to say this now, due to the fact that special weapons are so over powering in this playlist ammo for these weapons should not be given to the players immediately and should not be readily available at all times. I get that alot of the maps are CQC based but almost all strategy get throw at the window when all you really need is a shotgun or fusion rifle. Not to mention that some primaries need to be buffed before this can even be achieved as scout rifles/pulse rifles are jokes compared to AR's and handcannons even after the nerfing. (saying this as a person that uses auto rifles)
3. Huge latency issues. This has slowly becoming more and more of a problem (at least for me) with each update. From what I at least read there were supposed to be dedicated servers for the game instead it looks like it's Halo 3 all over again. Getting matched up with people on the other side of the earth and can't tell what is going on for half the match due to their internet and ping distance. This shouldn't be happening at all if there are dedicated servers.
I definitely agree on the special ammo. That would really deal a crippling blow to the shot gun abusers... Since it is mostly close quarters the shotgun seems to be one of the most effective weapons in the game. Limiting the ammo that can be used would really force players to use their primary weapons more, which is never the case when you give people unlimited noob cannon ammo...