So the Suros Regime is in practically everyone's hands, the crucible are now belong to Suros. How does a guardian survive without the most noob friendly gun in the game? AMA
Passed twice on the Suros Regime, an AR that shoots sort of like an automatic hand cannon with no recoil. I've decided to avoid buying it twice, I still do fine in the crucible. AMA
Suros Regime might be for you if the following apply:
A) You can't control recoil and suck at FPS games.
B) You have to be on top of the score chart in the crucible with minimal effort.
C) You suck at using other weapons: hand cannons, scout rifles, pulse rifles, auto rifles with recoil.
D) You suck at using real auto rifles.
E) Probably all of the above.
I'm not the best in PvP by any means but I can tell you that I've killed plenty of people that use this gun against me in 1v1 shootouts. There is a thing called STRAFING that really comes in handy. When I DO get killed and see this was the weapon they used I can almost always say that it was because of something I did/didn't do. Lastly, if you're playing a team game your team should be working together and putting shots on the same guys if possible. People's complaining and whining is way more annoying that being killed a few times with this gun.