So the Suros Regime is in practically everyone's hands, the crucible are now belong to Suros. How does a guardian survive without the most noob friendly gun in the game? AMA
Passed twice on the Suros Regime, an AR that shoots sort of like an automatic hand cannon with no recoil. I've decided to avoid buying it twice, I still do fine in the crucible. AMA
Suros Regime might be for you if the following apply:
A) You can't control recoil and suck at FPS games.
B) You have to be on top of the score chart in the crucible with minimal effort.
C) You suck at using other weapons: hand cannons, scout rifles, pulse rifles, auto rifles with recoil.
D) You suck at using real auto rifles.
E) Probably all of the above.
what are "real" auto rifles lol
Do it for the Grimiore not an option?
I bought it I don't even play crucible , I just like to have a variety of weapons to use for different situations PVE.
Brought the suros just to add to my collection of exotics. When it comes to the crucible I'm rocking the beast known as the Shingen-E
Buying 3 more when I get home. Just because I can.
I have chosen to pass on buying it twice.... ...Because I have gotten two of them anyway and hate the gun.
Didn't buy it both times.
Edited by RebornV3: 10/24/2014 7:08:02 PMso what are real auto rifles? like real life Assault Rifles or what whatever auto rifle your using or think is good
Didn't have enough strange coins to purchase two items this time, that's why I didn't get it.
Got it in the raid. No need to buy, let me know how it feels in PVP.
If you want to challenge yourself in such a manor why don't you just use the khovstov? If your aim is true and you're a skilled player, which clearly you are, you could easily put this weapon to use.
I use to use only AR, now I'm almost only hand cannons, way more fun and rewarding. However I missed out by 5 strange coins last time, and it looks bad ass. I'm gonna buy it and upgrade it just to say I have it. So suck it dump
Would have bought it but only have 12 coins
I have always been a gamer who wants to "earn" things. So Ill pass this time.
Pulse rifles and scouts 4 lyf
I passed on buying it both times. The nightfall forced one upon me this morning anyways.
Lol. Good story.
Edited by Elazul: 10/24/2014 6:39:34 PMI'm on the fence. I have a pretty nice custom Shadow Price(that I think is about as good as Suros) I use right now and what I really want is the MIDA Multi-Tool or Icebreaker. Suros was one of the top three I wanted but was on the lower end. Hmm... I can't decide... *HEAD EXPLODES*
Can you add a fourth option? Passed on it twice because a lack of coins.
I got it because I'm lvl 26 I'm still using a blue gun…
Don't want it because I don't like auto rifles.
I bought it last time just for the sake of having it. I've equipped it once.
So having an autorifle that doesn't kick all crazy means we have no skill? Hmmmmm....I hope this means that any weapon you are using has all stability perks unequipped to show how much of a badass you are