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10/24/2014 3:14:33 PM

Screwing over PvE; need Vanguard (ONLY) Exotic Bounties

Message to Bungie: You continuously screw over PvE only players. You send this message that Destiny is a game you can play your own way; yet you've seriously mislead us. I turned in a bunch of VANGUARD bounties and was rewarded with an Exotic Bounty. I excitedly started trying to complete the Exotic Bounty. I was a little disgruntled because I had to complete 26 strikes in the first part of the requirements. But I was determined to complete the task and earn an Exotic weapon. After completing those 26 strikes and running some errands, to my dismay, my next task was to earn 10000 whatever points in the Crucible killing Guardians; primarily Warlocks. I am now angered by the fact that this is not the first time that I've EARNED Exotic Bounties and have to again attempt to play the Crucible in which I am not too skilled at, nor do I really care for, to earn my reward. There needs to be PvE specific bounties. I would expect the same if I was a PvP player; I would like PvP specific bounties. I know you are getting complaints from both sides of the fence; in which there needs to be. Players like choice. You keep trying to force players to play game types they might not enjoy. Now I am going to abandon this bounty as I have done with the other ones in the past. I have attempted to complete one that required a 25 kill/death spread and was frustrated after many attempts. I am not interested in Crucible play. A very disgruntled and long time loyal Bungie fan....

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