I have 2 male characters and 1 female purely fir cosmetic reasons.
Female awoken warlocks fit the bill
Male exo titan fits the bill
Male human hunter fits the bill and mostly how i see the lore
Exos - warmachines/rumors they where built fir other reasons. Fit the part as titans
Humans - fit the part of a hunter as this there home, they know it better then anyone... They survived alone before the city
Awoken - essentially touched by the darkness/light and transformed - have an affinity to the light*sunsinger* and dark*voidwalker* thus there powers thus i wanted a witch...not a wizard
People who get anal over this subject might as well go all the way like white people cant make black characters and if you are overweight you cant play because you cant make a fat guardian
Thats how ridiculous this entire topic is
Eh... Actually this topic was about how I agree with that.
Sir you mistake my wording. When i said topic i was referring to the topic as a whole, the entire subject matter. Not your post