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originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
Edited by DarkChildOfLight: 11/14/2014 5:39:40 AM

Dear Guardian, This Is Why You SHOULD NOT be Raiding.

Dear Guardian, As much as I like to help and encourage people I must stress a few reasons why you [u][i]SHOULD NOT[/i][/u] be taking part in a Raid on The Vault Of Glass. [u][b]1. You are below Rank 27.[/b][/u] The lower your Rank, the less damage you can do. And I mean waayyyy less! At Rank 25 you are looking at a 43% reduction in damage output! [u][b]2. No Mic.[/b][/u] You refuse to use your mic or you don't have one or people in your house are sleeping. For whatever reason, you are not on your mic. Communication is absolutely 100% critical in the VoG. Sometimes you even need to back out into Orbit to fully discuss and strategize. Impossible if you are not using your mic. [u][b]3. Party Chat.[/b][/u] Even worse than not having a mic is not joining (or leaving) a Party Chat. The game volume is less loud when you are in a Party Chat , as opposed to in game chat, so its easier to communicate without everyone raising their voices over gun fights (i.e. the Destiny chat). If you are in the in game chat and we are in Party Chat then we can't hear you and you can't hear us! [u][b]4. Leadership[/b][/u] Only one or two people should be giving out orders and instructions during critical moments and battles. Nobody else should speak over them except to call out things that change the game i.e. Relic, teleports, oracles, strong enemies, health, hazards, situation report, countdown (time's vengeance) etc. [u][b]5. Its not a Strike.[/b][/u] People often start playing the VoG and within an hour they are saying that they have to leave for work or to sleep or eat or whatever else. Please don't start playing if you haven't got the time to spare. This isn't going to be done quickly unless [b]YOU[/b] and [b]YOUR WHOLE TEAM[/b] absolutely know what they are doing in the VoG. Every time someone leaves, that person has to be replaced. The new person has to be 'worked in' and that can take a while. If someone else leaves 30mins later and the pattern continues then you can see how things can drag out. Yes, we have a week to complete the VoG and there are checkpoints but that is besides the point. Think about how you are affecting the team. Don't just join to get that one chest and then leave. [u][b]6. Weapons, Supers, Builds & Perks[/b][/u] Use what will benefit you and your team. This isn't the time to be using a weapon just because you like the look or sound of it. This isn't the time to be doing your bounties. This isn't where you level up your character. You are facing the Vex. They use purple shields. You need weapons and builds that maximise Void damage to break these shields. You need Titans who are using Defender. Hunters should be using Invisibility in the Gorgon's Labyrinth and Golden Gun during Boss fights and for Oracles. Warlocks can go either way. Customise your perks so that they help you and your team to get through. Don't be lazy. Don't be selfish. [u][b]7. Be patient with people.[/b][/u] Not everyone knows the ins and outs of the VoG. Everyone on the team should be welcoming to someone who is new to it and take the time to explain things before and as they happen. Don't just kick someone because they got it wrong 5 times in a row. People won't begin to get better until they fully understand what is happening. There are different reasons why the whole team gets wiped. Explain them fully. If things are not going well its a good idea for everyone to regroup in Orbit, ask how everyone is feeling, try to give encouragement and keep morale up. Talk about where things are going well and where things need work. Restock on ammo at the Tower and maybe take a real life break for 5 mins before getting back into it. [u][b]8. But I was invited...[/b][/u] Thats fine. If you find yourself in a fireteam of 6 and on route to Venus and you know that you haven't got time or that you are not ready, then please politely let the others know ASAP. That way you can get going to what you really want to do and the rest of the team can start looking for a replacement without anybody having their time wasted. You are helping the team out more by giving notice to leave right at the start. We've all been there. One minute you are doing your own thing then you get an invite to do something that you would rather not do at that time. [b][u]Summary[/u][/b] If you are unwilling to follow this advice then you are severely hindering your team's progression within the VoG. Please do the right thing and don't play unless you are willing to do your best to help everyone to get through it. I am writing this out of love. So that we can all benefit. Regards, A [url=]Thorny Guardian[/url] P.S. If you can think of more reasons why people shouldn't raid [i]just yet[/i], please say below but be constructive. Thanks in advance!

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  • This post, should be spread everywhere. I am glad somebody took the time to make this. "You Da Man"

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    1 Reply
    • Please go ahead and edit your post to make this forum 100% perfect. Right now your sitting at 98% by telling us to go invisible in the Gorgon labyrinth. Although this could be easily fixed by saying that you should go invisible whilst marked by the void - a small trick that myself and my friends found where you can still see when marked. Otherwise, good job! :)

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    • QFT.... Anyone that played MMOs understood" raid" from the start :p

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    • I agree. Not only do people who participate in Raids EVEN IF they meet these criteria hinder other players, but they just end up making enemies more often than not. By not staying away, they convey that they clearly have a deep level of ignorance about the game. This means that not only do they not know when it's not ok to raid, but also that they are the type of player which more experienced players want to AVOID. Please stay away from raids unless you're ready. Not only will it be easier, but you will be more likely to make friends

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    • I participated in the Vault of Glass for the first time with 2 players who were experienced, and the rest of us were brand new. I did not participate in any conversation. I just followed what the leader was doing and we all got through fine; we made it to Atheon in about an hour and a half. I found the entire experience [b]so much[/b] easier than I was hearing from "experienced players".

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    • Good advice.

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      10 Replies
      • I love this it's great. :)

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        • Nice thread, need more of these

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          • Refusing to use void damage.

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          • 2
            As a raider I'll say this though - a Level 26 teamplayer who knows how to use the Relic properly is far better than a level 29 player thinks it's a John Woo movie.

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          • [quote]Dear Guardian, As much as I like to help and encourage people I must stress a few reasons why you [u][i]SHOULD NOT[/i][/u] be taking part in a Raid on The Vault Of Glass. [u][b]1. You are below Rank 27.[/b][/u] The lower your Rank, the less damage you can do. And I mean waayyyy less! At Rank 25 you are looking at a 43% reduction in damage output! [u][b]2. No Mic.[/b][/u] You refuse to use your mic or you don't have one or people in your house are sleeping. For whatever reason, you are not on your mic. Communication is absolutely 100% critical in the VoG. Sometimes you even need to back out into Orbit to fully discuss and strategize. Impossible if you are not using your mic. [u][b]3. Party Chat.[/b][/u] Even worse than not having a mic is not joining (or leaving) a Party Chat. The game volume is less loud when you are in a Party Chat , as opposed to in game chat, so its easier to communicate without everyone raising their voices over gun fights (i.e. the Destiny chat). If you are in the in game chat and we are in Party Chat then we can't hear you and you can't hear us! [u][b]4. Leadership[/b][/u] Only one or two people should be giving out orders and instructions during critical moments and battles. Nobody else should speak over them except to call out things that change the game i.e. Relic, teleports, oracles, strong enemies, health, hazards, situation report, countdown (time's vengeance) etc. [u][b]5. Its not a Strike.[/b][/u] People often start playing the VoG and within an hour they are saying that they have to leave for work or to sleep or eat or whatever else. Please don't start playing if you haven't got the time to spare. This isn't going to be done quickly unless [b]YOU[/b] and [b]YOUR WHOLE TEAM[/b] absolutely know what they are doing in the VoG. Every time someone leaves, that person has to be replaced. The new person has to be 'worked in' and that can take a while. If someone else leaves 30mins later and the pattern continues then you can see how things can drag out. Yes, we have a week to complete the VoG and there are checkpoints but that is besides the point. Think about how you are affecting the team. Don't just join to get that one chest and then leave. [u][b]6. Weapons, Supers, Builds & Perks[/b][/u] Use what will benefit you and your team. This isn't the time to be using a weapon just because you like the look or sound of it. This isn't the time to be doing your bounties. This isn't where you level up your character. You are facing the Vex. They use purple shields. You need weapons and builds that maximise Void damage to break these shields. You need Titans who are using Defender. Hunters should be using Invisibility in the Gorgon's Labyrinth and Golden Gun during Boss fights and for Oracles. Warlocks can go either way. Customise your perks so that they help you and your team to get through. Don't be lazy. Don't be selfish. [u][b]7. Be patient with people.[/b][/u] Not everyone knows the ins and outs of the VoG. Everyone on the team should be welcoming to someone who is new to it and take the time to explain things before and as they happen. Don't just kick someone because they got it wrong 5 times in a row. People won't begin to get better until they fully understand what is happening. There are different reasons why the whole team gets wiped. Explain them fully. If things are not going well its a good idea for everyone to regroup in Orbit, ask how everyone is feeling, try to give encouragement and keep morale up. Talk about where things are going well and where things need work. Restock on ammo at the Tower and maybe take a real life break for 5 mins before getting back into it. [u][b]8. But I was invited...[/b][/u] Thats fine. If you find yourself in a fireteam of 6 and on route to Venus and you know that you haven't got time or that you are not ready, then please politely let the others know ASAP. That way you can get going to what you really want to do and the rest of the team can start looking for a replacement without anybody having their time wasted. You are helping the team out more by giving notice to leave right at the start. We've all been there. One minute you are doing your own thing then you get an invite to do something that you would rather not do at that time. [b][u]Summary[/u][/b] If you are unwilling to follow this advice then you are severely hindering your team's progression within the VoG. Please do the right thing and don't play unless you are willing to do your best to help everyone to get through it. I am writing this out of love. So that we can all benefit. Regards, A [url=]Thorny Guardian[/url] P.S. If you can think of more reasons why people shouldn't raid [i]just yet[/i], please say below but be constructive. Thanks in advance![/quote]i agree with all of this, It also gave me some things I need to work on desperately. So thanks it really helped! :)

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            • I'm sorry if our real lives get in the way of your virtual one.... *realizes I have over 3 days played and have not raided* ........I stand by my statement.

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              • Edited by DopeyPanda: 10/26/2014 6:13:34 AM
                Who goes orbit to plan?...ain't no body got time for that! But in all seriousness you don't really need that pre game planning.

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              • i could do it on psn sadly level 25

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              • I had a guy join our party randomly, no one in our raid group knew who he was or played with him, and guy starts bitching at us cause we were chest hunting instead of actually finishing the raid which we did 5 times this week already. Basically if you're a random joining a group whether it be randomly or through forums, please don't be an asshole. No one likes raiding with people who constantly complain and are just not fun to play with.

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                • stop over exaggerating seriously the raid's not that hard.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Could you make one like this for hard mode?

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                    • I couldn't agree more with the leadership part. I'm trying to tell people what to do so we can get this done, but just because we die on normal difficulty, someone has to get all pissed and start being a dick and bossing people around instead of giving advice and helping.

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                    • Very well said. I am sure there are plenty of trolls on this thread (I'm gonna go ahead and not read on, ignore 'em) but this is a sound and well thought out guideline for raiding. Kudos my man.

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                    • Edited by I LEFT CAPS 0N: 10/25/2014 9:59:13 PM
                      About [b]2[/b], it's important to use a mic, yeah, but not everyone has the ability to speak. I personally know (at least [i]knew[/i], since it's been a few years since we've hung out) a mute person who frequently played shooters. You quickly find ways to communicate without talking.. Which is partially where [b]7[/b] comes it. And about [b]3[/b],I'm not sure how good PlayStation Party Chat is, but for Xbox Live, it sounds like the opposite. If everyone is in Game Chat, the voice sounds like it's a million miles away, but in Party Chat, it sounds like the person is speaking right next to you.

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                    • Good post. I agree that party chat is way better than the game chat, using the right weapon and please don't try to level up your gear during the raid. One more thing though, try to level up your weapons to around 250 damage if you can. Going in with 200 damage weapons is just not going to cut it. You can't even take down goblins safely on your own.

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                    • If your British then please stop playing the raid since nobody can understand what you guys are saying.

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                      41 Replies
                      • I stopped reading responses quickly - after I had hidden a half dozen for just being rude. I know that tone, inflection, intent, etc can be extremely difficult in text - however it seemed abundantly clear to me that you are not being elitist, patronizing or overbearing. Rather you were putting forth some well thought out, practical advice for good raid etiquette. Much of it seems like common sense, but to those who have never done an MMO raid before (myself, for one), having these things pointed out is of immense value. I could expound further, but the ultimate take-away from me is this: THANK YOU for taking the time to post this and compose it as carefully as you did - my only "criticism" would be that the title may have been misleading or a "mental block" for some. If they saw "Honest Advice for Successful Raiding", "How to Have the Best Raid Experience Possible" or some such, it might draw in more viewers that could benefit. Also, for those that came in thinking your title was not a clever "marketing trick" but rather a legitimate statement, may have been in fight mode and missed the message. My two cents, but again, thank you.

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                        • Edited by Arron Rift: 10/25/2014 6:54:55 PM
                          Assuming all of these are true, then I will probably never do the VOG. By the time I get to a place in my life where I can say "for the next 5 hours I definitely have time and will not suddenly find out that I don't have time" the VOG will be long gone. I've frequently had to just say "gotta go guys" and leave my titan standing in the corner behind cover because I suddenly had to leave RIGHT THEN. If I wait for my life to change before I play, well, then I just won't play. What do you guys think, should I just stop caring about the VOG, as it'd be cruel to my team to even attempt it? Edit: I'm on PS3

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                          • more like regards, an elitist jerkface. Just sayin'

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                          • No mic? I did my first raid on Tuesday and the only thing I said was "Yeah" or "Okay." There was this girl who DID NOT have a mic and she did better than a lot of the other people. The only people that had a mic (and used it) was the raid leader (to tell us what to do) and the douche that assumed he was the runner-up leader. So we don't need SHIT (a mic) to do this and a big -blam!- you to the face.

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