Please tell me there's others out there getting constant shit for playing destiny from there girlfriend I'm afraid she's gonna break my xbox
nobody cares if your male or female. you're attention seeking dirtbag for putting "girl friend" in the title.
Just wait until you have to replace the word "girlfriend" with "wife".
Edited by Undefined: 10/22/2014 9:12:41 PMNo...but I used to get it from my mom. I hope she never gets unemployed again... Girlfriend isn't a problem, thank god.BTW, don't try to get her to play the game, it might not work out very well...
Plot twist: destiny is my girlfriend!!!
Edited by Hektik: 10/22/2014 9:06:46 PMI have a simple rule to keep my wife happy. Only play when she's asleep, or she's surfing the net. If she isn't preoccupied then I give her a satisfactory time frame to get off and then I do. This is also why I don't get to do VoG hard mode for the most part. Remember kids, if you're in a relationship you have to think in "we" not "me".
We play in the same household on different consoles... Currently we only know eachother by our Guardians name. :-p
Mine plays Destiny also /shrug
sucks for you my wife plays on a warlock on my PS3 she at lvl 27 only because i found all her gear
I have the same problem
Balance is needed...