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originally posted in: 1 for the cod boys
10/22/2014 8:19:08 PM
There is no harder difficulty than what I have finished. And with other games once I had clocked them I moved on, or unless they had good replayability. Elder scrolls fallout etc.. I've done the destiny story 6 times without counting nightfalls and heroic strikes. It's so tiny that's enough for me and dlc won't fix that. And yes I play games for me to win, not so other yahoos on the other side of the planet can get their one piece of gear, maybe selfish but I haven't got the time to help 7 billion other people in my lifetime so why even start

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  • I'm not talking about 7 billion other people, I'm talking about YOUR team, YOUR clan, etc. Games like these revolve around a team. If you have 5 other players that you consistently play with, their gear is as good as yours because it helps your team. As for no harder difficulty, the next raid is in a month, and the raid is a lot of fun, and then shortly after, we'll get DLC. Was it short? Yes, but at this rate, I am not concerned at all.

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  • Yeah but I don't need a team? Solo roll chumps all day. Everybody's gear is as good as yours cos everyone has the same gear. Wow so your gonna sit on the edge of your seat for each new raid to hit that 1 more level? Sound like an addict trying to convince someone how their in control

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  • They're* And your just proving my point, the addict comment aside. Its not about gear. It's about completing something as a team and having fun while I'm doing it. That's why it's so disappointing to me seeing all these lone wolf gamers bitch and moan about how they're bored and how there's nothing to do anymore. If solo is your thing, that's fine, but that means Destiny probably won't hold your attention. But it's not meant to hold a solo gamer, at least not completely. It's meant to be a team game and every preview indicated that a group of 2+ is how it's meant to be played. If you aren't seeking not just your own gear but your team's gear, then of course you don't care. I love solo games, but I don't get pissed in a solo game when I can't play multiplayer. The biggest complaints on these forums can all be boiled down to this: Something I expect in the perfect game isn't here Whether its open world, borderlands style loot fiesta, CoD style social aspects, experience based leveling with no cap, or the ability for anyone to wreck the crucible leaderboards. These are all expectations that weren't met, but instead of complaining ad nauseam, why can no one just realize a) no one cares if you like it or not and b) some games you like and some you don't? I love all sorts of games but I hate football games. I dont complain because I get bored playing a football game, I just stop playing it and move on with my life. And btw, I and everyone else reading this know that when you turn from logical discussions towards insults or attacking who you're talking to, its because you are worrying you could be wrong

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