I'm stuck at level 29. Third week in a row I'm completing the raid 3 times with 3 characters on normal and once or twice on hard and armor wise I've got nothing to show for it except for 3 chest piece duplicates for the Hunter and 1lone pair of boots for the Warlock.
I'm fed up with getting only shards and energy all the time and on occasion a weapon duplicate. I'd even sacrifice my Vex Mythoclast for the full set of raid armor if I could. I think I'm cursed by the RNG gods (;_;).
Anyone else having the same problem?
My buddy had completed it multiple times on different characters, he was about to quit then he got the full set today....it's just all luck, all I needed was the boots and first drop I got them, just takes time. You'll get raid gear sooner or later.
Call him Loki.