Hi Devs,
I get it. "Stuff" happens. It's not ALL within your control. You're working on it. I can see the red banner at the top of this forum. You are actively investigating the issues impacting players. My suggestion is that similar to other games / MMOs / consumer products, that when something escalated like this happens, players are compensated somehow. For example... you go to a restaurant, food comes out cold, they forget your appetizer, steak isn't cooked right, or whatever... they take it off your check, or they comp you a free dessert. They do something that acknowledges the inconvenience that demonstrates they are sorry, and value you business. They make it right. I couldn't play last night, I can't play today. I paid for a license to use a product that I can't use currently. If my cable is down, and it's their fault, they pro-rate me the days lost on my bill... this isn't a foreign concept, I'm sure you're totally aware of the sentiment I'm referencing. Other MMOs that are subscription based will comp X amount of days for subscribers and extend it, or they'll send you some consumable items, something...
SO... maybe as a gesture of goodwill, to repair some of the harm done by this recent monkey business (see what I did there?! ;) you guys can comp us a shader, or shards, or XP? Or something that shows that you're willing to provide us something that costs you NOTHING, but is PRICELESS as far as keeping your clients happy? Anything that indicates something other than "Yeah yeah, we know everything is messed up and you can't play, WE KNOW... LOOK AT THE BANNER WE PUT UP... get over it and stop whining. We don't care if we can't hold up our end of the bargain, we got your money, and we don't care anymore."
Battlefield gave their players something EVERYDAY during their player appreciation month, aka our game is borked, please keep playing... DCUO has given out subscription extensions, replay badges, etc. Everyone does it. Help us out. Have this downtime sting less and hook us up with something please.
Thanks! [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/74271670/0/0]Poll[/url] FYI Some cranky people are voting against compensation, so make sure your voice is heard.
bump bump bump bump bump bump and techno bump