Looking for new inexperienced raiders. I am taking a group of people that havent downed the raid into VoG and helping them down it. if you want in let me know!
i haven't run the raid with anyone yet (tital - 27). I've been finding small groups to run strikes with, but that is about it. I want to find a group to run it with (PS4), but also just to have someone run the nightfall/weekly and daily heroic missions too. Still have not completed a nightfall... went in with a level 21 and a level 23 once and got to see just how cool some of ways you can blown to bits is. I am in if you are PS4
i friended u. just hop on and il inv
lol i am trapped at work until tonight, but i will def hit you up later. I am east coast, and will be on and ready by about 9:30PM. Thanks!