You believe the naked classes are imbalanced? That is another topic.
Your argument appears to be that without this piece of armour titans are underpowered compared to warlocks. That is a nonsensical argument, and if true the way to address the balance would very obviously not be by having a special chest of armour.
Let's stick to the OP topic which is armour. Warlocks do not have an equivalent for that titan chest example.
The problem is that you're an idiot. You see, the Warlock gets a fcking perk that gives him two nades. Thusly, he doesn't need a goddam armor piece that gives him more grenades. You then bitched about heavy ammo and special ammo capacity... look again, moron, lock has armor that give that too. Instead of being a dimwitted schmuck, why not try using one or two braincells. Hell, try using two at one time. Perhaps then you will be able to dislodge your cranium from your rectum. We can only hope.