[b]When the beta had launched for this game all vendors[/b] within the tower, more specifically the faction vendors,[b] had an alloted amount of [/b]faction [b]shaders along with the rest of their inventory[/b]... [b]On top of that "Eva Levonte"[/b] (A.K.A. Woman who torments me with "refreshed" stock of the same dagum stock as last week)[b] Had an inventory that would constantly update and had a variety of shaders to purchase[/b]...
[b]Now [/b]the game being out for over a month and[b] a majority of players are wearing the[i] EXACT[/i] same shaders because nothing is available to us[/b]... [b]the game was supposed to be make yourself legend, [i]Not [/i]homogenize every character until they all look the exact same...
[b]I understand some loot and the necessity for keeping it RNG based but [i]SHADERS!!![/i][/b]...[b]Shaders are expressions of our personal taste and preference[/b]...there isn't some majical OP shader that needs a nerf nor buff...its a SHADER...and [b]people should be able to dye their armor to their liking[/b]...
[b]Shaders shouldnt be treated like an exotic item [/b]([i]unless they have truly exotic traits such as "Tron" lighted armor, or hive shaded armor with glowing green visor tints, in which case these could be harder to ascertain but should still be ATTAINABLE[/i])[b] and shouldnt be left to RNG[/b] [b]or the [/b]forsaken [b]Cryptarch to hand out[/b] in one of his oh so gracious "care packages" [b]for leveling him up[/b]...
If anyone else is sincerely dissapointed or simply fed up and would like access to more shaders [b]please sign/post here[/b]...
I thank you all for reading this as well ^-^
Hey i read this earlyer i have 14 different shades idk ido alot of pvp god of war one thts just numbers must be lucky idk
Absolutely. Couldn't agree more. Come on bungie, gives us control of the crayons.
Really I have about 15-20 shaders. And I am seeing new ones everyday, there are more then enough if the game.
I constantly see places referencing "Battleworn" shaders like Battleworn Rose and Battleworn Steel as being sold by Eva the shader merchant, which would make sense because they're just rares. What few pictures I've seen of them look great. Very muted, and not so vibrant. Would be nice if she actually rotated her stock so we could get some of them.
What are you talking about you can buy the ones from the lady on the left part of the tower or get them as rewards/drops. The one I have now gives me a sandy kind of look in game.
Signed! I hope they eventually add in some kind of transmog system like WoW as well that would be awesome!!!
Edited by JTtheLoneWOOF: 10/20/2014 10:54:13 PMAgreed buddy. I've got most of my shaders thru doing strikes and leveling up, but I'm still not entirely happy w the 8 different shaders I have. Wish we had more individualization and customization in the game, but I have faith we will in the near future. I pray.
it is obviously, [b]$$$[/b]
I'm in.. I read about half be sure
i agree with this Post but then again though i wonder why the Speaker don't change up his selection either.
Signed. By the way i love your idea of tron's shaders
Edited by GigaChrome: 10/20/2014 10:23:09 PMA majority of the best looking shaders in the game are obtained in Vanguard Tiger it seems. Ive gotten 2 new shaders from there the last 8 or so strikes ive done, but still trying to get that sick silver and gray one though. Also Tiger is great cause it gives blues and purple up the but, I just got Patience and Time yesterday from a purple engram from it. :)
Signed. Some colour flexibility would be nice. And the idea you had about the "Hive" armour and such would make for a great event. Unlike say the Queen's shader which is the what, fourth purple option we have? Cause 18-40 Male gamers love purple, right? Lol.
-blam!- shaders! They suck. Do it like halo and let me edit the colour of my armour. All my Spartans looked cooler than any of the guardians I see in the tower.
Bungie makes all colors available. Now everyone is black and red. #homogenized lol
Signed And fix Eva Le-blaming!-vante
It's bungie! They cut [i]that[/i] out too!
Horse armor. Nuff said.
The cool thing is I've noticed more and more players with "unique" shaders that I haven't seen before on anyone else. I saw one with the Amalthea (all red with some white) and another with the Cytherean Bloom (yellow and green). Both of which I had never seen in game before that. I agree though that factions should sell their own shaders but I guess that's why the faction bought armor is already colored for that faction :/ Signed
If I had a dollar for every Achilles shader I received...
Whats with all the -blam!-in blue and orange shaders lol