1) warlocks are the only class that have a perj that gives them 2 grenades (without an exotic)
2) raid armor will give you just as much of an ammo boost as the titan chest.
3) the voidfang vestments let you spawn with grenade energy, so you can spam your grenades every time you die.
We have to start by assuming that the naked classes are balanced. If not, that's a whole separate issue. Warlocks do not really have a perk that gives them two grenades. But to the extent that it is true, we must assume that this is balanced e.g. by a lock's lower resistance to damage. So, now this all comes down to gear. There is nothing available to a warlock that is as good as that titan chest piece. The classes are balanced, apart from armour.
And you can arrange your stats so you can have more defence and less agility. The sunslinger sub class is soo valueable to any raiding group because they can produce tons of orbs of light and revive themselfs!! You say the perks are worse but I think you want everything, one of the warlocks exotic armors buff radiance even more which is crazy, pick a role and adjust to fit. Warlocks are the sit back and assist class with tons off buffs for team members, I love my titan and I have to say I prefer the supers they suit me more along with the glide jump but the warlock is all my mates favourite for the reasons stated above
The last perk for the sunslinger warlock class gives them a second grenade.
Sunsinger has a perk for two grenades.