[b]When you start playing Destiny, your best bet is to make titan or hunter. Warlocks always end up weaker, [u]because the armor available to them is nowhere near as good[/u] as what other classes can equip.[/b]
* For example, take the chest slot. My co-op buddy bought the [url=http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/The_Armamentarium]Armamentarium[/url] titan chest armor from Xur at the weekend. This is clearly the most overpowered piece of gear in the game, and anyone can have it because Xur sells it:
- Have TWO GRENADES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Carry countless extra sniper or shotgun rounds
[b]Why don't warlocks have anything like that? Nothing for that class comes even close. This makes the game severely unbalanced. Players who make a titan character instead of a warlock character have a substantial advantage in every situation.[/b]
* Another obvious example is the boot slot. Why the lack of exotic boots for the lock class? [b][url=http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2hv5xl/here_are_all_the_exotic_armor_pieces_sorted_by/]Exotic boots are available for all classes, -- but not for warlocks![/url][/b] Why? This results in less armour choice for warlocks and a net lack of perks obtained from armour. Titans get exotic boots. Hunters get exotic boots. Warlocks were overlooked. Bungie clearly put a lot of thought into titans and hunters, but self-evidently overlooked warlocks resulting in numerous disadvantages and oversights facing the class which all need to be addressed at some point.
I have checked all available armor for each class. It's confirmed: warlocks have the worst gear. I don't mind there being great armor for other classes. What I do mind is that there is nothing that comes close for locks. Destiny was supposed to be a game in which one class does not have an advantage over the others. That is not the case, mainly due to unbalanced gear. Forget the negligible 1% buff or nerf that Bungie applies to weapons.to improve balance. Look at the huge difference between gear available to different classes.
I dearly hope Xur has [url=http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Voidfang_Vestments]Voidfang Vestments[/url] again this weekend. I didn't have enough coins for it the previous week, after buying Ice Breaker. I genuinely needed to buy IB when it was sold, because [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/73153066/0/0]having played every day since day 1 I have literally never had any legendary or exotic weapon drops -- not even one[/url]! By comparison, my co-op buddy plays the same games as I do but and gets so much gear he has to shard it to clear space in his vault. Players who get drops don't know how lucky they are. When they switch weapons they are upgrading three weapons as they play. I have to waste kills on upgraded weapons until I save to buy a weapon from Xur or a Vendor. My co-op buddy doesn't usually buy charity handout gear from Xur, because he doesn't have to due to always getting drops, but I really do need it.
EDIT:[b] This is a post about the imbalance of GEAR between classes. Nascent class balance is a more complex issue beyond the scope of this thread. [/b]However, the classes are well balanced in this game. If that were not so Bungie would have addressed that before the minor weapon balancing that we are seeing.
ok ok ok learn about it first before complaining :) warlock was my first char and i think its awsomee. so try out these . Void walker build: PVE http://www.destinydb.com/calculator/talents#1.McvcFDn8c708r708k708t708x708EA708M708V7 u need a auto rifle that has Kill reduce nades cd. ur stat can be int+discp or balance. good for bounty and public event For Sunsinger: have u tried double fusion grenades? i didnt before since he gloves boosted solar nades. wack that on minotaurs and its shields come off like "that".
Nobody cares about that if is true in first place. I have warlock and I love it. People play to enjoy game the way they like not to compare stats
Warlock is a wizzard it supposed to have the lowest armor
Sadly here is the next thing bungie is going to "hotfix" along with every-other perfectly fine aspect of the game:(
You cannot compare solar grenades to void grenades.
I didnt read your whole post. I.stopped after you complained about.the armour. You realize warlocks have 2 grenades right?
+ as a warlock im better than any of my friends who are hunters or titans.. but I'm just a beast so I guess that's irrelevant
I'm a maxed out Sunsinger and I use double grenade + sun breaker exotic gauntlets (extend time of solar nade). My solar nades are a pain in the ass for people
With my gear and the way I have set my void walker up I can literally not use my weapons and clear our mobs. Less than 10sec grenade. Super about a minute after I just used one. Those come from abilities then I just sped the whole thing up with the right gear. Can the other classes go ham like a warlock in either subclass with their super? Nope
Can't warlocks get 2 Grenades from a subclass perk?
Calm down mate, I started as a warlock played every mission solo on hard, as my hunter I've found some missions nearly impossible on hard. I rate it way higher than the others. This is only because of my taste. I tote around with my level based armour and recovery way beyond my agility and have the greatest time destroying all I wish. Its great. Do what ever pleases you folks, that's what fun is.
You know the warlock can have 2 grenades also right?
You do realize you have to wait for the other grenade to recharge right? It's not like as soon as you fill up grenade energy you automatically have two grenades to throw out. While it's cool to have an extra grenade if you wait for both to come off cd, if you are a guardian titan, the helmet is MUCH better - when enemies get in your bubble they are blinded. For pve that means they are basically stunlocked which means your bubble truly is an immunity shield.
Haha u must just be bad because warlock is my main I have two and check my stats they are op and need a small nerf
Could you be anymore of a jackass so what if which class has two grenades based on armor or talents everything is fair titans only have two grenades with that chest and have to wait for them to charge separately while warlocks can carry two grenades and if the die get them back everytime you complain a about it but no grenades charge while you are dead so your warlock gear is far more op than my carrying two grenade gear
Incorrect, Warlock is not the weakest class, it just doesn't have any exotic gear that is beneficial to its super like the other classes. The helms give health or reduced damage when activating super but nothing to better it, the only thing that Warlock has is the Heart of the Praxic Fire which is only for Sunsinger. Voidwalker? improved grenade... that doesn't improve it... to summarize: Warlock = strong class... Warlock Exotic Armor = pretty god damn useless
bullshit warlock can reborn and become invinsible he can launche atomique missiles and even blink stop saying non sens
Umm not really. My sunbreakers give longer duration for solar grenades (very useful for atheon though still faoled) every melee hit decreases cooldown of grenade and increase reload speed with special weapons which is a godsend in some cases. They might be a little underpowered but warlocks are still great.
Lol I use a Titan and in the raids and nightfalls warlocks are essential you clearly have no clue about the game.
Sunsinger gets 2 grenades
Mine is tank I get a 5 kill streak every life lol
I will admit our helmets are not the greatest overall but they get the job done since our classes overall are pretty powerful in pvp and pve . The chest piece are well balanced for our sub class. We can ether have one for a better void walker or a better sunsinger. Both are powerful classes on there own. The chest pieces make them better. The bolt grenades grenades for void walker are insane and if sunsingers can have a longer radiance they are grenade spamming machines. Still want the praxis fire chest piece.
The classes are balanced! Learn how to play!!
Edited by Bradlogic: 10/20/2014 11:41:46 AMEverything you wrote, is opinion. If you were familiar with RPG's you'd know the three basic classes...Warrior, Rogue and Mage. Attack, Agility, Support. There is nothing wrong with the Warlock, it has it's role to play. Maybe you're just another Mage that needs food badly?
My warlock is a tank. Your logic is flawed
Warlock has a perk for two grenades. Don't have to waste an armor slot for that... As for sniping IB is all you need. And shotguns are about as... Well nothing. They aren't really useful unless your in crucible.