Or they could play more than 1 game. I haven't played cod since bo2 and got bored with skyrim but I still know they are completely different games. Borderland I see your point as they are very similar. I think you are presuming people only play 1 game and that people are currently restricting themselves to just destiny so any playtime will be taken from destiny rather than a different game.
Nah more like in a few months new awesome games will be consistently coming out. Tell me one game you still play since PS3 release. None unless one touched your heartstrings sweet like.
Well I'm currently playing fifa15 and dust on ps4 and tales of graces on PS3. I find that destiny is great for popping in for an hour or so to do the daily and weekly challenges and maybe a couple of bounties. It's not a game I play for 10 hour stretches but that is ok as it will last longer. It must be hard trying to balance for more hardcore mmo people as well as the more casual console crowd but I can live with what they have done.
Your couple of hour stretches will drop off after your level 30 and have the exotics you want. And is a game meant to live off players jamming a couple of hours a week?
Maybe but by that time new content will be out. And some games can be for a quick blast (if you consider 2 hours a day a quick blast) we all have different circumstances. Used to play for 24 hour stretches during school holidays, now with a full time job and wife a couple of hours is the most I can expect!
At top tier missions, how many nights in a row of doing a 2-3 hour stage for no gear will you take before getting over it? I'm guessing with a young family you don't get to play every night as it is