originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
We have 2 level 28s, we have done the raid several times and know where all the chests are, need 4 people, preferably level 28+ and some experience with the raid GT: yo ATLAS
Guys everyone add me on xbox I wanna start a raid group so everyone can raid
I'm a lvl 27 hunter good gear 3 exotic weapons DAZED HAZE is my GT scoop me up
Alright I'll friend you up when I hop on tonight. GT: ET MERK ALiEN
[quote]We have 2 level 28s, we have done the raid several times and know where all the chests are, need 4 people, preferably level 28+ and some experience with the raid GT: yo ATLAS[/quote] sounds good add me!
What about tues after the reset?
[quote]We have 2 level 28s, we have done the raid several times and know where all the chests are, need 4 people, preferably level 28+ and some experience with the raid GT: yo ATLAS[/quote] sorry guys already finished
Yo iv got my boy and I who have been thru it till Atheon but never beaten it. We're level 29 warlocks. Won't be on till around 10:30 est if your down to do it then.
I'm down message JoeRardi. No mic for the 360 but have beaten it several times as well