While running my (then) 25 Hunter in PvE I got green and blue egrams like CRAZY. It felt like every 10 kills I get an egram of some sort.
Now, I'm running my lvl 12 Titan on the.moon, doing patrols for XP and Rep while I farm Helium Filaments to upgrade the Hunter's gear, and I'm nor getting squat for drops besides white quality armor and weapons, no Egrams at all.
Is this because of character level or does RNGesus hate my Titan?
not sure which question you are asking so I will answer both: 1. does level affect quality/rarity of engram that is dropped - yes, lower level characters get lower rarity drops. level 12 get more white, etc 2. does level affect frequency of engram drops - no In other words, if the drop rate chance is 1% for an engram to drop, every character will see that 1% drop rate. What will change with level is the rarity.