Wow this gun is terrible.
My Dead Orbit Fusion puts it to shame.
Straight to the vault...back to Ice Breaker...
Anyone share these feelings?
Pocket Finity
nope. I destroy with it. You have to know how it handles and get good with it... so sorry you don't like it. not everyone can learn how to control that much power.
Fusion rifles with a longer charge rate suck for PvP. I use my wizard 77 exclusively for PvE, and my rare fusion rifle performs much better in PvP with one of the fastest charge rates ever and 8 rounds a magazine
Yes on the spot exactly what I think
How did you get this bounty? I only get the other three.
It used to be good but then it took a Nerf to the knee
Should be renamed "Pocket Trinity"
Its still great in pvp. Stability perk and 3 shots kills. It just takes a bit of practice because of the longer charge time but its so rewarding. Dont expect to win head to head with it if you just run up and hold trigger. need to plan and use cover then you will rock with it coming around a corner half pre loaded 3 shots :)
It's amazing, even after being nerfed to hell, you just must be terrible with it.
Different people different opinions, and for the people who think this topic is wrong please contain yourselves I do think super good advice and juju are good guns that to be fair to get the most out of them they need to be fully developed ⊂_ヽ \\ _ \( •_•) F < ⌒ヽ A / へ\ B / / \\ U レ ノ ヽ_つ L / / O / /| U ( (ヽ S | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / `ノ ) Lノ
Lol my skirmish team got wrecked by it today!! Well the person using it more so... But I feel like every time I died I saw "pocket infinity" on the top right.
What you get for dismantling it?
It was great before they nerfed it into another dimension.
like I keep telling, most legendary weapons are better than exotic weapons... pocket infinity is complete garbage, so is the super good advice and the bad juju.
Did you upgraded it yet? Full auto is handy
it actually destroys if u kno what ur doin with it
I'm completing the bounty for it right now lmao
So far I do not like it. The charge rate is way to slow. Maybe upgrading it will help, although I didn't see any upgrade that gives a better charge rate. I love my new monarchy fusion rifle though, and it's upgraded about to the same lvl
I still find it useful, especially for doing the fusion rifle bounty, it works twice as fast for that as any other fusion rifle. Honestly the reload perk is nice, and I never really fired it in bursts over 3 anyways, they could add regenerating ammo though, that would be a nice compensation as it chews through it pretty fast.
I absolutely love it, I didn't use the 8 magazine upgrade cause it did no damage by the 6th shot and would end up shooting the ground or sky. With the stability upgrade you can basically snipe with it and fire off 3 shots. You can destroy anything. By far the best exotic bounty you can get.
Can't wrap my head around it since the nerf. Getting very close to dismantling it, but feel like they might buff it again. It's basically like any other fusion in the game with a full auto perk right now. Very ordinary
I still absolutely murder everyone with it in the crucible.