After all these patches and changes I think it'd only be fair to start again with a clean slate. For example, someone's KD would've been a major factor before the Nerf of a Vex Mythoclast. This way everyone plays with the fair version of the gear.
Also, for the new people who joined the game this past month and are just leveling their characters. Its not fair for us to make fun of them because they're new. Again its only fair.
Edited by KN3XXT: 10/19/2014 2:25:28 AMAnd who really gives 1 or more shits about KD in this game. I rejoice in the fact I can have a great time with current and new friends all trying to reach a common goal. We don't need a reset. We two things: 1. For everyone to quit bitching about the games problems, do you think at the end of this games life cycle it'll be close to the same shade of color it is now? No. 2. Stop with all the negativity. Just like your parents did when you were a child bungie knows what they're doing, it may not seem like it now but it will work out in the end. Stop whining and adapt to the changes. Yeah, my auto rifle isn't as strong but that makes it a little more challenging now and that is ok with me