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originally posted in: Confessions of a 29 Titan
10/19/2014 12:54:19 AM
Confessions of a 29 Gunslinger (28 temporarily, upgrading armor) 1. I throw knives at friend's head to see them stick 2. If I'm not leveling a faction, I refuse to wear a cape that doesn't reach the floor 3. Sometime I put on blade dancer and turn invisible in the tower and stalk people, I run away when I become visible. 4. When my shield gets broken in pve I make zoidberg wooping noises in my head as I retreat. 5. I push afk friends in the tower of the edge. 6. I use the turbo on my legendary sparrow only when I want to see it explode. 7. If I have to go afk for some reason, I sit my character down, always. 8. Sometimes I ragequit pvp if the fight seems one sided. 9. I take all the upgrade materials I get from my warlock and give them to my hunter, my warlock must be pissed. 10. If I have knife juggler equipped I throw knive with an oprah voice (you get a knife! Everyone gets a kniiiiiiife!)

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