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Edited by Qwerty: 10/18/2014 3:59:13 AM

Being an Awoken breaks the lore of the game.

[b]TIMELINE:[/b] Pre-GoldenAge, Traveler Discovery, Golden Age, Darkness Discovery, The Collapse, the after effects (Forming the Consensus, Building the City, ect.), Destiny I, The Future/Sequels. Being an Awoken breaks the game. I know your attention span is about 10 minutes #Destiny, so I'll keep it brief. In game lore fact: Your character died before the Traveler Discovery. This is implied and stated through quotes and the story (or lack thereof). In game lore fact: The Awoken were created by the Collapse, after they tried to escape into space. This is stated by grimoire, promotions for the game, and many other things. Rationalized Opinion: Your character, an Awoken who can channel the Travelers light, should not exist because the Awoken did not exist until after the Collapse. Think about it. Your character has to be "Pre-GoldenAge" and the Collapse does not occur until later down the timeline. So, Bungie, you screwed up. Now what? We get it, Staten leaving leaves the story much to be desired. The one thing you should not do is ignore this. Plz Leik, Folo, Rate, Subscribe, Reblog, Sacrifice to Satan, ect. [i]So, #Destiny, what do you think of this? Discuss.[/i]

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  • Bungie has screwed up so badly in the sorry department. It feels like they purposely cut content not only for DLC, but so that later Destiny games sell. So many "basic" features of contemporary games are missing in Destiny. Sure, the base gameplay is fun, but when Wolfenstein the New Order has Better Grimoire cards in game, there is a problem.

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  • The story is from the Exo species . The Awoken and Human stories were cut before release. (hence the Awoken Queen referring to you as an "it").

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  • If your character died before the discovery of the traveler it seems a little odd that their corpse is in the ruins of a centuries old traffic-jam of cars attempting to enter an underpass which leads to the cosmodrome, where colony ships were launched to populate worlds that were terraformed by the traveler...

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  • Lore lol. ...but you win!

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  • Edited by Future War Bro: 10/18/2014 11:55:58 AM
    The issue is that Human / Awoken Origin Stories were nixxed and the only version of the origin story used is the Exo one. This is due to the whole debacle between Bungie / Activision a year before release that ultimately led to the departure of Destiny's lead writer Joe Staten. Here's the quote from the reddit post "All of the Last City factions had their storylines and dialogue cut, the Guardian's initial introduction to the Tower and the Last City was cut, and ALL the origins were homogenized down to the one originally used for Exo characters." Source: Blame Activision

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    11 Replies
    • Maybe you're just [i]really[/i] special

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    • I like how you and your ghost will talk about "the Awoken" like your character has no idea they ARE one.

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      2 Replies
      • The intro we have now is for exos, awoken and humans were supposed to have seperate ones but were scrapped. Why do you think you person is in a junkyard and dosent ask ant questions?

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        4 Replies
        • The awoken are humans, slightly altered by life in space, maybe even genetically engineered to function better in low gravity than a regular human. As they were human there is no reason an awoken can not use the light. The awoken are humans, there for existed before the collapse. And you do not need to have been present to be brought back, you just need to be comparable with the ghosts ability to resurrect you. It is not a leap to assume that any race of any kind can become a guardian aslong as they are compatable with the light

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          3 Replies
          • The opening scene was designed for Exos. There was a whole different start zone planned for the awoken, in the reef, but was scrapped last second along with everything else that was going to be sweet.

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          • All three races were supposed to have different starting locations. That might explain why the space elves make very little sense, but then again there is a giant white ball floating in the atmosphere that people thought would be great idea to put the remaining human population all underneath.

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          • If the player character died before the discovery of the Traveller, how is that their body is lying around in a car in Old Russia? Do you really think Golden Age Earth would've left swaths of dead people out in the open?

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            • Edited by Kil (Inept): 10/18/2014 9:36:29 AM
              I'm thinking the collapse was a war that lasted for a fair bit of time. Kind of seems like Exos were created during this time to fight the darkness. There's some hints suggesting human consciousness' were uploaded into these bodies. Seems like a drastic OMG we're screwed type of plan. I guess it's possible whatever happened to the Awoken out in space may also not have been instant. Possibly some escaped back to Earth but they had already been affected by whatever would change them. But there has been lots of mention of time travel in the story. It's possible we were sent back in time to protect Sarah Conn...erm to try and prevent the collapse. Unfortunately you got stuck in traffic and died. It does seem like your Ghost was specifically looking for you.

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              • They originally were supposed to have their own origin story when your Awoken character was revived but.. We all know what happened to that.

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                • Edited by KDeduster: 10/18/2014 10:45:09 AM
                  Where does it say or even imply anything about our character's time of death? It could have been the day before we were revived for all we know. Edit: just to make this clear, I'm not saying that you've definitely been dead for a day, I'm just saying that no one knows.

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                  15 Replies
                  • What about the exo, why the hell would Dinkel waste his time scanning for a stupid droid. Also, love the total hatred I get from the queen as an awoken, and from her bitch ass brother.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Human origin: You were fleeing Earth in your car, stuck in traffic on the way to the ships in Russia, and Rasputin drops the shield and everyone dies. Eco origin: You bravely stood fighting while the humans were trying to flee earth. See above. Awoken origin: You got drunk and went wandering off and hit your head on some dead human's car.

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                      8 Replies
                      • Uh no dude. Your character died in the cosmodrome apparently which is a place where you board colony ships to go out during THE GOLDEN AGE. The Awoken emerged after the traveler discovery yes, but the cosmodrome was built after the traveler discovery because the traveler made travel to these other worlds possible and made them habitable. So it works.

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                      • Edited by HahaUSukM8: 10/18/2014 2:20:31 PM
                        What happens to Destiny stays in Destiny.

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                      • I think because you were dead, you don't remember anything, and that's why they have to start you from the beginning with the story. It has been centuries since the collapse. So a random awoken on earth that dies right after the collapse would make sense.

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                      • Edited by TotallyNotDrew: 10/18/2014 1:38:47 PM
                        Ok, just to clear this up before more people post this, the information about the different intros was neither confirmed or denied, therefore you cannot state it as if it's fact. In fact, Bungie denied it when DeeJ told everyone they were being trolled, as he is the representative if Bungie, but I personally don't take Deej's words too seriously. Either way, you cannot state it as if that's fact, because it isn't. (For future replies!)

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                        5 Replies
                        • You can choose to be awoken in destiny and buy truth for 17 strange coins. More intrigue in that sentence than the whole story thus far T_T

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                        • The awoken weren't a race before the collapse..? They were humans who tried to escape after the collapse. When they reached the reef something changed them to awoken. No reason they can't come back to help after they changed. So if you wanna talk about lore get your shit straight

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                        • Edited by Marshal Ghosty: 10/18/2014 2:15:48 PM
                          Not really because they would just be descendants of the previous awoken. You don't have to know your race's history just to be in that race.

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                        • This is only the first chapter of a very long story. So trying to read the last page first.

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                        • I totally like that "sacrifice to Satan" thing you put there.

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