Level 29 hunter here ^_^
1. I enjoy all weapons.
2. I love gunslinger
3. When I see a fallen captain, I call him a pussy, because why is he teleporting?
4. Sometimes in the tower I run around aimlessly for 10 or so minutes.
5. I dislike PvP.
6. Killing atheon is the most satisfying feeling.
7. I've never gotten an exotic from the nightfall, because RNGesus hates me.
8. I hate bladedancing.
9. My exo looks like Ultron.
10. I love tiger strikes SO MUCH!
11. Hobgoblins are the bane of my existence and can go die in a hole.
12. I can't wait for dark below and house of wolves!
13. I just realized this list is really boring :(
14. Loot cave <3
15. Spinmetal is the best metal.
16. I have 964 sapphire wire.
17. I once died from a shank..
18. did I mention I HATE HOBGOBLINS.
19. Zen moment is my favorite perk, along with perfect balance.
20. I truly enjoy destiny.
[quote]9. My exo looks like Ultron. [/quote] Lol Ultron omg no wonder why the exo look so familiar xD