Hey everyone, vVvDARK WOLFvVv here, it's been a while since I have posted on Bungie's forums (not since I was Vampyre0422 about 3 years ago) so I will keep this as concise as possible.
I feel that Ascendant Materials in Destiny need a serious downgrade as far as loot rarity goes. In more instances than not when I actually find a legendary engram (which isn't horribly often to begin with) it yields me ascendant materials, and I have seen multiple instances of potential raid gear being replaced by ascendant upgrade materials out of raid chests.. So I propose, as a person who has a level 28, 21, and 24, and is looking for gear and not materials, that the ascendant materials be downgraded back to Rare (blue) rarity, and made as a possible drop from Decoherent (blue) engrams. or at least lower the chances of ascendant materials coming out of legendary engrams.
EDIT 1: I feel it is also worth noting that ascendant materials aren't hard to come by in the first place as you can get them via public events and daily(24 and above)/weekly missions, thus re-enforcing my argument about what their rarity is and what they should be.
EDIT 2: Another possible solution is to remove the ability to get them from engrams completely. make it so you can only earn them by way of public events, chests, and daily/weekly content. Or even simply dismantling legendary armor/weapons you don't need for ascendant materials
Thanks for your time, and of course any and all feedback is appreciated!
P.S: Yes I am aware that this was also posted in the "Destiny" category, that was a mistake on my part. If a mod wants to remove it from the "Destiny" Category, he/she may
Also no TL;DR, I Don't Do those.
A reasonable post with an articulated case. OMG Yet to make it into VOG so I don't feel qualified to answer. But I have MMO xp as a guild and raid leader. I agree with the principals here and another posters comment. Boss rewards should be considered for separate loot tables that represents the risk reward. It's never a great experience to at last take out that boss with your team for the first time to get RNG screwed to a standard drop