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Edited by SLIC TRIX on PSN: 10/16/2014 6:41:52 PM

!!Balanced Auction House!!

So I was talking with friends about disagreeing and agreeing about a type of trading system in the game without exploitation, and each idea we came up with had a flaw. And the only mostly secure way of moving items from one player to another completely different player is an auction system that is strict in anonymity, until the transaction is complete on both sides of the party. Here is my idea of an auction house with many rules and regulations: Rule #1 All items, weapons, & armor has an expensive set price as standard, to avoid obvious freebies. (The price will have to be different from breaking down items for materials, sorry bout it. But the auction house is what it is and does not have to be a 100% balanced place due to the very definition of auction.) Rule #2 Both sides of the party will be anonymous to each other until the transaction is complete, and include a rating system to the seller (will be explained under rating system bonus activity in the auction house). Rule #3 The offer/item being sold will be available to be viewed publicly nationwide only in the first 15 min no matter what. Then the sell can come into effect after the 15 minute minimum mark including with a minimum of 5 interested buyers that already met the sale's price and if they want some extra items/glimmer, hence auction. All this not negotiable, to somewhat avoid buy/selling to yourself, by putting it up for grabs in a kind of rat race. If the minimum of interested buyers is not met then the timer will keep going for the next hour or so, then it will cancel out automatically if requirements still not met. Rule #4 within the time of the auction to meet requirements, the buyers can change their extra bonus offer continuously, and will be stopped and set when timer runs out and/or when interested # of buyers were met, and had set their offer. Rule# 5 if the seller changes the offer against the interested buyers within the required time or not enough interested buyers met. The timer will reset including buyers offer on plate will reset as nothing, and their status will change from interested to “pending and notified for reply". Rule#6 incomplete, (when out of work) Etc rules incomplete. I wrote all this during lunch and I will be back to include the rating system plus any miscellaneous ideas I have for this topic, please sustain your ideas on the rating systems, it will not change what I had already in mind. But feel free to comment anyways guys.[b][/b]

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