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Discuss all things Destiny.
10/16/2014 1:51:48 AM

Please Deej, PLEASE!!!

I dont give a rats a$$ about nerfs, buffs, loot caves, or patched exploits. Those I can adapt to, while everyone else cries. What I cannot adapt to is the festering pile of crap that is the VOICE CHAT in this game! And I'm not talking about adding proximity chat or anything. Simple game and party chat. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT it goes to hell, no one can hear each other for minutes at a time. Communication is lost. And with end game content that so HEAVILY relies on teamwork and communication this simply breaks the player experience EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. You cannot beat Nightfall and VoG if you cannot hear your team mates!!! I love this game, but there is no worse experience than grinding your a$$ through the end game stuff just to lose chat with your team and die because of it. I know you hear "it breaks the game!" a thousand times a day Deej, but this really does break the (end)game... Please pass this on to the devs Thanks you NOTE: I am not a computer nerd. If this is something that is on Microsoft's side then never mind and I will complain to them.

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