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10/15/2014 6:27:17 PM

My Experince with Destiny, and What I Believe Needs to Change

Let me start off by saying I love Destiny. I think that I is a great game, and believe that Bungie did a wonderful job of taking the next step after the great work that they did with the Halo franchise. The lore behind the story is fantastic, and they did a great job of setting up the story for whatever comes in the next 10 years. With that being said I do believe that (with a lot of games) there is still a lot of work that can be done to improve the game even further. The area that I believe needs the most improvement is the Crucible. The lack of a proper matchmaking system is a killer. I end up being on the wrong end of a massacre too many times at the hands a fireteam that joined together and are communicating properly, while my team is a group of randoms that run screaming head first into a wall of shotguns. The way that I get around this is I strictly play Rumble (deathmatch) and I usually have a bunch of fun. There needs to be a way to sort out the Fireteams and the team of randoms. Also they should add a type of “private server” system. If you and group of your buddies wants to take on a rival clan, there currently no way to do this (that I am aware of). Next Bungie should spice up Patrol a bit. As of now Patrol for me is a very tedious process. I am NOT saying they need to turn up the spawn rates of chests and raw materials. I believe that they (and this was not my idea. I found on the forums but I can’t recall whose idea it was originally, sorry) should add a reputation system for each of the planets and the Moon, where if you spend a lot of time on one of these areas doings missions and killing the enemies there that a group of high level “mercenaries” come after you. Make it like a public event, but in a Darkness Zone. As you enter a region of the area, your ghost warns you of this group and you could either run back to orbit to wait for the weekly reset, or you could fight them. If you beat the team then your reputation increases and they send better and better teams after you, but if you are killed by them your rep decreases (not wipes). Give these team special abilities like the Titan’s leaping ground pound or the Warlock’s Radiance ability; something that makes them different from the rest of enemies, but not just “sponges”. I believe that this would make Patrol fun and exciting. I hear a lot of people calling for matchmaking for the raid, the Nightfall and Heroic strikes. While I am natural on the idea, I believe that if Bungie is to implement such an idea that it come with a few prerequisites. For the raid make it so you must be a level 26 and have earned a certain amount of Vanguard and Crucible Marks to show that capable of attempting the raid. I feel that Bungie will be addressing the lack of content with the upcoming DLC by adding more strikes, raids Crucible maps and playlist so I am not fretting over that quite yet. Lastly I think that the weekly events, such as the Iron Banner and Queen’s Wraith, should be rewarding. I don’t really mind that they rehash the same missions to play again, but (fir me at least) there was no reason to go and participate in the events since the gear that you would earn was worse than my current gear. If they gave you gear based on your level or a large chance to get a legendary drop while doing the mission, I would have given it more of a chance. With all that said I LOVE Destiny and I have more than enough in Bungie that they will fix many of the issues that plague this great game. Also if anybody needs help with the raid and Nightfall strikes message DieselStatus117 (Xbox One)

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