Radial, I came bac to tell you that patience and time is weak and I must inform you that you marry a handsome man.
Yeah its pretty weak. Ive also moved on from my Icebreaker. Im upgrading my Red Death now.
What do you think of red death handsome? I want it kind of but I really want hard light because the first word resembles what my penis is. Battlefield erections!
Red death is a sexy underrated weapon. Impact stun-lock plus each kill heals you for around 50% oooooohhh baby.
Oh man that does sound so good actually lol I turned my nose up at it when xur was selling it, now I feel angry for doing this.
I did the same but RNGesus gifted me one and it sat in my vault until one day I was like yolo and started leveling it. Each trigger pull is an orgasm
Lol sounds cool though I must admit, hopefully RNG will give me one too as currently it seems to hate me.