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10/14/2014 3:41:54 PM

Ikora Rey, my love

When I was given the option to chose my class; warlock, titan, or hunter, I chose warlock. I had no specific reason as to why I chose warlock. I heard that they were a sort of "space wizard". That sounded cool. I could blast away the fallen with nova bomb and take out the hive with the axiom bolts. I had no idea what was to come. Then I saw her face. Her magnificent warlock strength was baffling. I visited her as much as possible, always looking at her selection of armor so that I could talk to her and see her face. Surely I had no chance. Then I was summoned to go speak to the vangaurd. I was so excited to go see Ikora again, and when I got there she gave me FREE armor. There's no way that wasn't an act of love, nobody would just give armor away to a "friend". I knew for a fact that the feeling was mutual. The next night I decided that I was going to ask her out on a date. Where would we go? There are so many great restraunts in the last city. Maybe I would let her decide, after she says yes to our date we will choose a place together. It would be the best night of my life. The next day I finally built up the courage to ask. I brought flowers with me and wore my nicest shader that I owned. But when I asked she simply laughed and said no. I broke down right in front of her, and ran to my room where I cried for hours..... It's been five days since the rejection. I haven't left my room since. I dont know what to do anymore, the love of my life has rejected and laughed at me. I can never show my face on the tower again. Ikora has probably told all of the guardians and vangaurds about the stupid level 5 that asked her on a date. Maybe suicide is the best option for me now. I have nothing left to live for. I have my hand cannon sitting on the drawer next to me. It would be quick and I would feel little pain; I just don't know what to do anymore. Someone. Help.

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