After all these patches and changes I think it'd only be fair to start again with a clean slate. For example, someone's KD would've been a major factor before the Nerf of a Vex Mythoclast. This way everyone plays with the fair version of the gear.
Also, for the new people who joined the game this past month and are just leveling their characters. Its not fair for us to make fun of them because they're new. Again its only fair.
You can't be serious...
Because K/D matters lol
.... ... are you trolling or for real?
Who's to say bungie aren't going to change the stats of other guns/armour? Everyone is always on an even playing field, just some are more committed to getting what they seek, then others. (you're the others) So stop crying, and leave the forums to the people older then [b][i][u]6[/u][/i][/b]
lol yea because that's a solution that has benefit. Destroy everything everyone worked for, I am sure people will keep playing after that debacle.
Hell to the Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no..... I worked my ass off to get the weapons i have and to max out all of my gear (90% of the exotics weapons i own are through bounties, earned..90% of my legendary gear was bought via vendors with marks, earned) They wipe the characters and i am 100% done with this game..
Everyone please wipe yourself, having crusty undies is very unhealthy and a serious concern of your hygiene.
my kd sucks but u don't hear me asking to wipe the server just cuz i got owned by a op gun
I lol'd 9/10 troll
Yes let's just delete everyone's character because of one little crying bitch...
Please wipe everyone because they play more than me.
Nobody cares about KD.
how about no and I actually wish that there was no KD the game would be a lot better without it as would many other games. And I'm not getting my character wiped just because people are upset about their KD ratio
How bout they just wipe your character. I'm happy with mines bad K/D or not. I'm playing for fun.
People are idiots man. Just look at all of them in your thread. This is only a small percentage of humans, there's no hope for the world with people like this rubbing around.
why clear the game somepeople have never been bothered by the vm so why clear it?
It's funny people still use the K/D number as some sign of greatness. I watch people all the time cherry pick control points. It's not difficult to pad your k/d number.
Better yet, just wipe the game. Take the primary server node and push it into the ocean. Delete the game. Go back in time, punch yourselves in the face when you started developing Marathon and tell them to quit.
Do people really care that much about their Destiny k/d?...
How bout your not very smart. Yeah let's wipe everyone's characters. Idiot
[b]caution extreme bait ahead[/b]
You're an idiot. Yes lets wipe hundreds of hours of gameplay because someone had a higher K/D. Life isn't fair this game isn't either.
If you're that concerned over KD you are a loser.
If you're serious, please find an open window. Jump out it please.
You stupid or something?
Nope I am going to enjoy watching the tryhards kd drop to mine since their noon combos won't boost their kd