Just because you needed a gun as broken as the vex to compete does not make matchmaking fair or even fun.
I love using auto rifles but I recognize that they're the best pvp weapon type out there and playing a game where everyone's primary is an auto rifle or the Vex gets really old. Like really, really old.
You can talk about "earning it" but did you really want to "earn" the ability to play against other people with one hand and not worry about being killed? There really isn't anything difficult enough in this game that should allow you to beat players who would normally be out of your league were it not for your ability to beat a raid and get lucky enough for the weapon to drop. Sorry. It's just not that hard and it really comes down to luck in the end. Players who aren't lucky shouldn't have to wait around to play crucible until they are lucky enough to "earn" a level playing field.
That said, I have no idea why they nerf anything for PvE...
Haha the pvp doesn't require skill in this game you know that. The pve is harder then pvp. So considering people like you cry bout this shit. Watch next week you will cry about the hand cannon or scout rifle being op