originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Three slots for the raid on normal GT: quickscopeh
Lvl 27warlock Sunsinger Yes mic Gt same as above
Lvl 29 titan experienced looking to help anyone msg me for help
Looking for experienced warlocks who know how to push atheon off on hard. Msg Darkfire 2007 for an inv
Gatekeeper checkpoint for VOG on normal msg me for an invite GT is same as username
Level 27 warlock experienced need 5 people gt: lethal sniper4
XBOX360 Gamer tag: XxRATHOGxX925 Level 29 warlock • Beast• Relic Warrior Barrel Rider • Blunt Roller Quite Like a Fire Hit me up been working all week I'm ready to strap some dynamite to this b•••h n blow it up This is EPIC!!!!!!
Vog one more
Vog anyone three spots
need one for fresh raid. message or friend. gt same as name
Lvl 28 titan if you need help msg me very experienced
Any down for vog 4 spota fresh start
Need four people raid starding from beginning gt krma replay have 29 warlock and 25 hunter need 26 up
Level 27 warlock with 5 spots open level 27+ Gt: lethal sniper4
Anyone need help with vog on now experienced lvl 28 titan
I'm down if anyone wants to raid GT: C DUB36323
Need 4 for Raid on normal from start! :) Message Over Nerd
Anyone game?
Doing the need 3 more people for the raid GT: quickscopeh
Looking for 3 people for fresh VoG normal
Anyone have space for my bro and I? VoG normal we are a 27 Titan and 27 hunter. Total rookies to VoG, not bad :) Gt immaltcol
Vog msg me
Doing the raid need 4 more people with mic and all GT: quickscopeh
One more spot mag me for inv
Msg for inv
Doing raid now 4 spots