originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Can people come with me to do the raid im a level 26 hunter add me owlpharaoh222
Any wants to do a raid? Warlock 25 Hunter 25
Want to do raid anybody wana help lv 26 hunter
Looking for a raid group, I'm a level 26 hunter. PSN: Coldblooded0 ready now
Looking for a raid group I'm a lvl 27 warlock I can be either void walker or a sun singer a I said I am looking for a group and I have a mic
i need help with VOG. im on the last step i need 5 people to help me with it level 27 and up only and i need people with vog EXPERIENCE PSN: ghost_ervin9
I'm a level 27 Titan using striker class. I'm looking for people on ps3 who would like to do VoG. I have 5 open slots currently. PSN: xfookin_petesx
Looking for a raid group. PSN is victinite
Im need help with the raid, im level 27 hunter Martoko11
I'm a lvl 27 warlock with both sub classes maxed and I hve a mic!
Raid with hunter lvl 27 open slots gamertag: Martoko11
I need to conplete all the raid im a hunter lvl27 my ganertag is Martoko11
Lvl 26 hunter at Gorgons chest if you need shards join My gt is EpIcRaNdOmNeSs20
GamerTag: PuhCe I have a mic and I'm level 25 and need help with raid
Working on a exotic bounty and have to do summoning pits on level 26 and not kill the boss until wave 3 of enemies have spawned, could someone please help me?!
Warlock lvl 27 search for raid .. ADS : DusTxEintopfHugo
Whats up im a level 27 titan with a striker subclass I need help to do VoG and i want to join a full group doing it Heres my psn. x_Greyfus_x
Lvl 27 and 28 warlocks doing vault of glass right now. At atheon Add me : POTATOFACTORY
My username is Martoko11
My gamertag is Martoko11
Can anybofy help me ???
I wanna play with u also
Lv 26 hunter looking for a good raid team
I'm a level 26 Voidwalker Warlock my gamer tag is KidZay20
I am a LVL 24 player with exotic sniper rifle no mic my gamer tag is: calala99
Lv 25 hunter want to do any raid add me and invite me