originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
The one and only PSN: King_of_Tales Lvl 26 warlock No mic but I work well with others. I've never done VoG yet but I learn quick and I know how to hold my own.
Need the Atheon checkpoint on hard. If anyone has it. Add me.. Psn: Jacob1123_
Vog anyone? Lvl 28 warlock all weapons and specials fully upgraded. Add me psn enki1993
I'm saved to Aethon and looking for a group to help down him. 27+ and know fight please. Add me with message saying 'Raid' .. TILMakeEmTap.
Looking for people to do vog tonight must have mic and 26+ ps3 add iiiterror
Still looking for raid team ps3 5:30 eastern time on normal. Send friend request. Stonewall-71. Let me know you want in. If you don't send friend request. I know your just wasting my time.
Edited by SIMMBO: 11/5/2014 6:37:55 PMLooking to Raid ASAP.. SIMMBO_ (29 Titan) vault vet
Want to do raid Psn-rick674 Level 27 Titan w/ mic
Looking to do fresh raid on normal. Level 28 warlock gt is zFus-Ro-DaHz
Looking for two people to help with hard raid lvl 29 Titan and a lvl 29 hunter ready to go in the next 10 minutes experience would be good
looking for a solid fireteam to COMPLETE the vault of glass for ps3. mic is required and maybe a little experience (at least dedication). start is at 2 PM Eastern Standard Time and 8 PM Central European time today! Add: marnixaap
RAID with [3/4] people join choking_fear
Any hard raiders looking for a game message me lvl 29 Titan
Want to do raid , ( preferably from start ) Lvl 29 hunter Psn : magic_poo241 I have mic
Any experienced raiders wanting to do a fresh run, I have a mic and hoping to run through it twice with both my characters 27 Warlock and a 28 Titan I'll join someone's party aswell
About to start fresh start for VoG reg add me shweaty_shaft 4 spots left for PS3
Can someone please help me with this week's heroic challenge (mic recommended level 22 or higher GT LAMBO_13_MEXICAN) message me when you want to do mission I'll be on in a hour or two
27 warlock also have 2 friends who want to do it too. PSN: MFerraro10
Raid on normal. I have a 2 29s my psn is ELITE-TEDDYBEARZ
Need 4 for raid fresh start. Psn tpbaxter1
Need help with raid lvl 28 OcWs_kwongstyle
Edited by m300bt3: 11/4/2014 10:37:27 PMFresh VOG any one? Lvl 28 hunter with mic. I've completed sections of the raid and would like to do a new one from start to finish. GT: m300bt3
need players #vog #freshstart #normalmode GT: marnixaap
Add Pancake399 lvl29
Edited by Riede Stone: 11/4/2014 7:41:12 PMLvl 26 hunter w/ mic, need 3. Add me or comment names: xXDA-BEASTXx666
Level 28 warlock. PSN: cheeseboy03. Never done raid before.