originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Anyone have checkpoint on Atheon on lvl 30 add Jetblast55
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 26 OR HIGHER, MIC RECOMMENDED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: New to the group looking for raid help tonight feel free to add me PSN hamkneegrow THANKS
Jetblast55 we need 1 more guy to do lol 30 raid we are experienced and highly prepared we knocked the 26 without anyone dying join us now!!!
looking for a fresh vog normal, im a level 28 with mic and som experience
Looking for group for vog raid. .. warlock 27 add me rednas20
Edited by RemoteBatery: 11/9/2014 7:14:07 AMlvl 27 Titan with mic Looking for a group to do the raid with add me: Remotebatery Also I am at atheon checkpoint
Looking for people to do vog from star lt only need 3 more people will start as soon as we have full fireteam add iiiterror
Looking for nightfall group, must be 28+ add me @GioRoxs
Looking for 2 more for raid. Add me jack _rochford
Looking for fire team to do the raid from start with later, have 2 raid guns and thunderlord, level 26 Hunter, Cst_Averys
Lvl 26 Warlock, both subclasses, 5 spaces left... Ready when you are
Looking for a group to do vault of glass tomorrow, I got 2 other people already looking for three. We are all level 28 and have experience with the vault of glass. Add me on ps3:xCarson_Beast We have mics
Need people for vog later on today!!! Must be Level 27+ have a mic and know what they're doing :)
Alright fellow guardians! Been grinding for awhile now to get myself ready for the VoG. Level 27 defender titan with maxed out striker class. If anyone would be interested to do this with me today @ 7:00 am central time, my psn is A70Turbo_Soup. Again, it will be my first run through, but I will try my best to my abilities to "hang" shouldn't be to hard lol
I want too try my firt clear raid. Tomorrow 8 am cet. On ps3. No exp :( want too change this. Psn: HerrDvonW
Raid reg or hard, I have lvl 27 warlock, 28 Titan, 29 hunter. Looking for experienced players. I have found 3 secret locations which may possibly be where the last couple hidden chests are, problem is figuring out how to get them to spawn if these are chest locations. I have some ideas but it's going to take skilled people with raid experience. Add me sk8nking. Thinking things like, no enemies take control of vex plate at opening gate, then NOT getting first chest. Other ideas to get chests to spawn is maybe no one dies during conflux, oracles and Templar boss fight? Or no one dies in atheon fight. I've seen atheon pushed off easy after new patch as well as a no teleport glitch. Many things to try, some would require beating it and then coming back thru again to see if any chest appeared, some locations can be checked as we go as long as we fulfilled the possible requirement to get the chests to spawn. I have beat several times on reg and only been in a couple hard raids without finishing, based on how you spawn the chest for beating Templar I don't think it matters whether done on reg or hard for the other possible chests but it would make since no one finds the chest because maybe you have to not die on certain parts of raid on hard mode toget them to spawn, many ideas, still no guaranteed answers yet. Add me if you wanna try and have not seen these secret locations
I need help with the raid, i am level 27 with mic
Looking for a group to complete raid with never done it before I'm level 27 psn:ho40op
Looking for nightfall group, must be atleast 28 mic isnt needed add me @GioRoxs
Starting hard raid group! Must be 29+ i need conflux spawn. Need asap before refresh
Lvl 29 warlock with mic, psn: buffalotracer. Ill be on at 8:30 pm EST to midnight. Looking to raid. Have Atheon checkpoint on reg. i'd be down to finish or start fresh. Add me or reply
Edited by Hally135: 11/10/2014 11:17:36 PMNeed three more for raid add jack_rochford
RAID on normal. Level 29 gunslinger. Need 4 more. Add Arkinflare
Level 29 Hunter. Fully maxed both subclasses(almost, 2 things in gunslinger) Looking to do whole raid, on now, send me a friend request. 5 slots, SquallBLi.
Looking for group for vog lol 25 hunter
Anybody doing raid on PS3 add me:extreme_man7