originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Looking for people who want to do the raid on normal from the beginning add: RemoteBatery
Need help with templr fight @GioRoxs if u wanna help
lvl 30 hunter looking for a group on ps3 to do hard raid. friend me. right now I am leveling up my warlock.
If you need help I'm here PSN: Biggat420
Normal raid need 3 more people for tomorrow, we'll begin at around 3-5 p.m CET, someone who is good at this, and knows what to do We have 2 titans 27 lv and warlock 27 lv Add Amito_Nya Mic Only
Any body need warlock lv 27
If somebody needs an lvl 27 titan Add me on tijm_056
looking for raid hunter lv 28 psn noury94 i dont have a mic
fresh normal raid, need 3, happening now, feel free to add psn ore_
If anyone needs 1 more for VOG hard give me an add, lvl 29 warlock psn: anatha111
trying to get raid group together. Level 27 Warlock, wanting to do it ASAP, hopefully tonight. PSN: MeGustaWeeeed lvl 26 + please
Anyone doing Vog normal add jrrko_
Edited by WongDongKooong: 11/14/2014 12:33:58 AMpsn wongdongkooong lvl 29 hunter with mic lookin for VoG normal run from start
My name is tijm_056 Everybody add me
Sunday +1 GTM (Netherlands) On 10:30 VOG normal Plzz everybody help me I need 4 people
I'm tijm_056 and want to do the VOG on hard. I know all the VOG glitches. I want to do it on sunday morning 16 Nomber. Add me plzz. I really need some help guys!!
6 pm eastern time I will be looking to raid only ran once before but have watched many videos if interested add me PSN hamkneegrow
Raid vog at atheon checkpoint if anyone is up for it add up iiiterror only 3 spaces left will start in an hour or so
Add me emb_gunss Level 27 hunter
Anyone want to do raid hard from the start? Add me my psn is kokoro18- im lvl 29 warlock. ;)
Anyone up for a raid on Friday? Im a level 28 warlock, with lots of raid experience...I am willing to do it multiple times
[b]Xbox360 LFG power level 1 to 20[/b] I made a [b]clan[/b] for people looking for groups to [b]power level[/b] with. Check it out! I need a group!
Lvl28 Titan lfg vog from start
I'm looking to get into a raid or a weekly
Who wants to help with atheon?