originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Edited by TruThunderlord: 12/2/2014 12:41:42 AMHave a 29 Hunter and a 28 Titan looking to do VOG Regular run. First time. PSN: Dawnblade6
28 Warlock need help with the raid same name
Lvl 26 warlock looking for normal psn group on vault of glass. Coolj365 add me
raid with 5 open slots fresh raid
Edited by Jokingace53: 12/1/2014 1:34:27 AMLvl 28 warlock looking for fresh raid Ps3 Psn. Jokingace53 Hmu asap
ps3 fresh raid Biscuit017
Edited by ChaoticTurtle15: 12/1/2014 12:27:39 AMLooking for people to help me finish the Raid on Hard. I have the Gatekeeper checkpoint, add ChaoticTurtle314 if you wish to join me
Looking for fresh raid. Level 26 warlock gamer tag APGaming_GCT
LF fresh hard raid or atheon cp on normal LVL29 hunter/PSN:JumpKid64
Need 5 people level 27 to 30 vs the Templar on normal I am a Titan lvl 27 add me Dejan456 thx for help :)
Edited by Dynamitej5: 11/30/2014 2:46:04 AMLooking to do a raid first time 5 slots add Dynamite2018 have mic
Need 3 people to do normal raid add Epic_Slap_Shot if interested
LFG for VOG Reg fresh run. Have 29 hunter an 28 titan. Have mic PSN: C0R3Y-X_X
LFG for VOG Reg fresh run. Have 29 hunter an 28 titan. PSN: C0R3Y-X_X
I'm looking to do vog hard. I have a level 30 warlock
Edited by LetJet: 11/30/2014 12:38:48 AMStarting at Defeating the Templar need 5 people PSN:letjet99
Level 28 warlock looking for a fresh normal raid group. Psn: POTATOFACTORY
Hard mode at Gatekeeper, add SquallBLi. High level 29 and up.
Edited by avenger: 11/29/2014 8:16:44 PMVoG regular lvl 28 hunter or weekly strikes on 28 psn: avenger-123 i have a mic
27 Warlock need help with the raid add me MavercickSV1
Willim97 Warlock wana do raid level 27
Ready to raid at tower right now. Psn: víccuvi. Warlock level 28 have a mic
Lv26 and up, have a mic, will start from the beginning( write your name below )
lvl 28 Hunter ready to go now ps3= Shadyeminems
Level 30 titan looking to do HARD raid preferably atheon save, but I do have the gatekeeper checkpoint. Add me : POTATOFACTORY
Edited by LetJet: 11/29/2014 1:31:43 AMLvL 26 hunter looking for help with VoG. Haven't done this yet but I have a mic and I'm ready to learn what to do. PSN: letjet99